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C'est Moi!

This is me. This is my page. Now what to write. Okay.. I'm known as the laid back chick..the sort of crazy one that takes in life and shrugs it off. I'm known as sort of a drama queen and have been told that I have a great stage presence if I only knew where the stage ended and the real world started. I also love to play music and hope to one day teach it. I don't care too much for lots of money, and all I want to do it give people my age the chance I got of experiencing the wonderful world of music. My bestfriend, Kim, is known by my mother as Pookie Peanut as she is a short little blond chick. I call her plain out 'Pooks'. She has lovingly given me the nickname 'Moocha' for reasons unknown I'd like to say hi to my friends Lisa (I don't feel well) ; Nate (You're such a player :) ) ; Teri (Just take the damn shoes!) ; Julie (Of course I'm a geek..and you're a nerd :)) ; Kim (OH WELL!) ; Sean (I can beat you at volleyball anyday sweetie) ; Natalie (Not everything in life is GAY :)) ; Kevin (I'm a hick..what does that make you?) ; Matty McQ (Having yellow hair doesn't make you already were.. butI love you all the same :))...if there's anyone I forgot..don't worry..I'm still working on this and you're bound to end up on this thing somewhere :) Love you all..PEACE OUT

A Cool Site (updated regularly)

My Fave Store To Shop

Crawl Deeper Into my Mind

cLiCk HeRe
Humor me!
My Big Bro
Ode to 'The Offender'
To the Rock
For everyone who cares

OTHER junk

For My Parents
Mush About My BESTfriend
How I spent my summer
ThInGs ThAt ArE GoOd.
Six Flags
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