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Jeremy's finally sleeping after a long, napless morning. Hopefully, he'll let me get this entry done. Every day, I write entries in my head, but this boy just won't let me sit in front of the computer to write them.

My moods have been fluctuating quite a bit lately; today is a good, good day. Our deck furniture arrived at 7:00 a.m. and it's just beautiful. The weather today is also just beautiful and we took full advantage of it. I took Jeremy's highchair outside and made myself a lovely lunch from yesterday's leftovers. My mom was here for a visit and brought provisions: fresh fruit, cold poached salmon, wheat berry salad, garlic green beans, a selection of cheeses and salad. We sat outside, under the budding wisteria, looking out over the lawn and the woods beyond, listening to the birds and eating our respective lunches, smiling and cooing at each other. When I was finished, I moved over to the plushy chaise and laid down in the sun while Jeremy chewed on his spoon for a few minutes. I felt like I was away on vacation at some fabulous resort.

I love it more and more here every day. I'm ready to slow down with all the shopping and estimating and hiring and furnishing and organizing and just enjoy being here with Jeremy. We plan to be here for a long, long time; I have all the time in the world to get the house just the way I want it.

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On my not so good days, I'm concerned about my relationship with David. We're feeling the strain of all the adjustments Jeremy has required us to make and things are still okay - good, even - but I think we need to stay on top of things so it doesn't slowly get out of control.

I can't get away from this baby. I want to be near him all the time, and I know we need to do something so that David and I can have some time together. I've been neglecting him on a whole lot of levels, sex being the obvious one, and we need to find a way to reconnect.

At the same time, I'm annoyed with David for not spending more time with Jeremy. He gets up between 5:00 and 5:30 and leaves for work around 7:30. Jeremy and I wake up around 6:30. So, I expect David to be showered and have the dog walked and any other chores/errands/stuff by the time we wake up so I can get some morning time to myself and he can spend some time with the boy. Instead, he usually spends his morning time eating breakfast, checking email, watching t.v. and watching Imus, so after I have my coffee, I have to go back upstairs and watch Jeremy while he showers, walks the dog, etc.

At night, he gets home from work between 6:00 and 7:00 so at the most, he has a little over an hour with Jeremy before he goes to sleep. But since he's hungry when he gets home, that time is usually spent foraging for food and eating. I suppose if I got dinner ready, that would free up some time, wouldn't it?

Finally, David's sort of annoyed that I go to sleep so early, but by the time Jeremy's finally conked out, I'm usually exhausted and end up falling asleep too.

All of this stuff is normal, and I know it could all be a lot worse, but we rarely get time to talk about it and I know we need to keep on top of it all. We did get a chance to talk the other night and I think we both felt better just being able to vent a little bit.

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In the Jeremy update department, he's eating solids, as evidenced by today's photo, and loving the whole experience. I was really hoping to put it off a little longer, mostly to avoid the mess involved, but he was obviously ready and so far, with just one feeding a day, the mess is manageable. I can't imagine doing it three times a day. He's eating rice cereal and some organic baby food. I think I'll get him some teething biscuits too. He's not teething, but I'm sure he'd love gnawing on them anyway.

He's practically sitting up by himself and I've got a really sturdy "sit-up" pillow set up in my office that he hangs out in while I check email.

He's not rolling over or moving much at all and I'm actually pretty happy about that. He's more than welcome to stay immobile a little while longer.

Other than that, he's cuter, happier, sweeter and more lovable every day.

Oh yeah, and he hasn't pooped in five days. I'm afraid. Very afraid.


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