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Alicia McKenna
English Tech Prep
October 25, 1999

Defining Words: (Part One)

Fate: a power that supposedly predetermines events.

Free will: the power to exercise of unhampered choice.

Hubris: scornful, overweening pride
Filial respect: not religious

Oracle: divine words, place gods give truth

Impious actions: lacking pity, wicking

Compunction: uneasiness due to guiltiness, hesitation.

Clairvoyant: able to see the future

Malediction: curse

Blasphemy: cursing

Part Two:

Delphi: a town in Parnassus, Greece where Apollo's temple and oracle is located.

Corinth: a Greek port on the Gulf of Corinth, in the Isthmus of Corinth joining the Peloponnesus to Central Greece.

Thebes: an ancient Upper Egypt on the Nile, the site of two modern villages Luxor and Karnak.  It is the capital of the Middle Kingdom. Also an ancient city of Boeotia which for a short period of time the leading power of Greece.  The kingdom was Oedipus ruled.

Kithairon: friends and relatives.  The place was the shepherd saved the baby.

Iocaste's bed: the place were Oedipus was born and were himself conceived children by his own mother.


Alicia McKenna
English Tech Prep
October 25, 1999

Defining Words: (Part One)

Fate: a power that supposedly predetermines events.

Free will: the power to exercise of unhampered choice.

Hubris: scornful, overweening pride
Filial respect: not religious

Oracle: divine words, place gods give truth

Impious actions: lacking pity, wicking

Compunction: uneasiness due to guiltiness, hesitation.

Clairvoyant: able to see the future

Malediction: curse

Blasphemy: cursing

Part Two:

Delphi: a town in Parnassus, Greece where Apollo's temple and oracle is located.

Corinth: a Greek port on the Gulf of Corinth, in the Isthmus of Corinth joining the Peloponnesus to Central Greece.

Thebes: an ancient upper Egypt on the Nile, the site of two modern villages Luxor and Karnak.  It is the capital of the Middle Kingdom. Also an ancient city of Boeotia which for a short period of time the leading power of Greece.  The kingdom were Oedipus ruled.

Kithairon: friends and relatives.  The place were the shepred saved the baby.

Iocaste's bed: the place were Oedipus was born and were himself concieved children by his own mother.