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Project 2:  Allegory of the Cave

1. Who is Plato? What are some of his accomplishments? What impact does his
philosophy have on the comtempory society? Make at least one link to a site where
readers can learn about Plato and his philosophy. .
2. In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato seems to discuss about truth, physics, aesthetics,
literary criticism, etc. (a) Do research and find three different interpretations of  Plato's
Cave. (b) List the links of each different interpretation to your web site with brief
annotations. (c)After reading , discussing, and analyzing the text, describe your
interpretation in a 250-word essay. Explain why you draw such a conclusion.(The first draft
will be collected and read by me before you publish your final draft on the web)
    My first interpretation of Plato's Cave is your nine month struggle of coming into the world.  As a child in your mothers wound you feel protect, cared for and nurtured.  You don't understand what is going on in the real world because you are imprisoned in a world that is an illusion.  Another interpretation is the love story.  When people are in love the tend to not notice what is really going on.  The person who is in love creates a world of their own away from reality.  Even the things that the person is use to becomes invisible because a wall is created to block out any negativity.  Until that one day when the person in love realizes that their was some thing wrong with the relationship and they want to get out.  The pain of losing love is more unbearable then they can imagine and the walls that were put up to protect that person for pain were knocked down by reality.  Another interpretation is when a child leaves home to go out and venture into the world.  Many kids want to leave home because they figure that they could do what they want.  But when they actually leave the home their expectations of life could be altered.  Having to depend on themselves is painful because they always had someone to look out for them.  Returning home is what they want to do but in some instances it can be harder then leaving.

3. Explain how this allegory  has changed your way of  thinking?(from your reading log?)
    The Allegory of the Cave has changed my way of thinking by analizing situtaions beforecoming to a conclusion.  Plato's works keep me minsd going.  When I thinkI know what he is trying to say I come up with another

4. If there was one thing you have learned from the "Cave" and would like to apply it to
your life, what would it be and why?

For more information about the project please go to Tech Prep Site