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Work Ethics/Neighborhood Project Part II

What is your attitude toward work? Where do you think you have acquired such an attitude?

    I like to work but I have to constantly have to be busy and doing something, or maybe starting something new. I cannot have only 15 minutes of work and have nothing to do afterwards. I have to be busy, or I will slack off. If I don't have anything to do then I will become bored and lazy. And I don't like to ask people to give me work, if my usual work is to do something else. And I'm very quiet, very shy, I don't like to answer questions. It's just in my nature. People say that your sign is the one that relates to how you act. Like my sign is the scorpio. They say that the typical scorpio is very loud and has everything to say. But me I'm loud, but its according to how I get loud with. I don't go overboard with my words. I get quiet when I'm with a lot of people. Now you wondering how could that be, I'm a scorpio. But my sun sign is related to a Aries, and Aries are known to be very loving, quiet and shy. My father is a Aries. So that's why I'm kind of mute, when it comes to things at work and at school. I think that I have acquired such an attitude is from my brother. He's a capricorn, and capricorn's need to be busy. You have to constantly keep them busy. So I have a little bit of work ethics from my brother's understanding of keeping busy.

Attidudes toward work during the classical period

 Hebrew Beliefs
* System viewed work as a "curse devised by God explicity to punish the disobedience and ingratitude of Adam and Eve"

Greeks Beliefs
* They regarded work as a curse. The greek word for work was Ponos, taken from Latin poena, which meant sorrow. Manual labor was for slaves.

Judeo-Christian Beliefs
* Believed that some where after the dawn of creation, men was placed in Eden to "Take of work and care for it"

The Romans Beliefs
* The Romans adopted much of their belief system from the culture of the Greeks. Slavery had been a major part of the Roman Empire.

Attitudes toward work during the Medieval Period

Roman Beliefs
* The beliefs were still the same as the classical period, in that the "Work was still percieved as punishment by God for man's orginal sin.

Early Christian Beliefs
* Monasteries were formed where monks performed the religious and intellectual work of the church. But the lay people tended to the manual labor needed to supply the needs of the community. People who were wealthy met their own needs.

My creative piece----changes in my neighborhood

A dialogue between me and my friend Chanell

"Hey whatz up chica, I haven't seen you in a minute!" I said.
"Wow, I just moved crosstown from this neighborhood to the eastside just a few weeks ago, and now its looks so different!"said Chanell.
"Yeah, as you already know the PAL, been open since last year and now they want $5.00-$10.00 for a membership," I said "people are just so crazy."
"Oh yeah, you see that Harlem is trying to move up, with the Old Navy, the Disney Store, the Modells, the HMV, and the new Magic Johnson Movie theatre. Harlem trying to be like 42nd street, high class and all!" said Chanell.
"Did you know that on the eastside, where you live now! they are going to build a Costcos's and a Home Depot on 3rd Avenue!" I said.
"Yeah, Slyvia was telling me that the Ricans and the Dominicans don't want that there, because its going to be too much commerical traffic around there"said Chanell.
"But they need those things, you know how Spanish Harlem be rackin up on Yellow rice and beans, that's all they eat, and they stay changing their houses, so they need those resources for them." I said.
"You so crazy, Crystal. You know you be hanging around them"said Chanell.
"But its the truth, but they can really cook some Yellow beans and rice, that s*** be so good!"I said.
White people come from around the corner to ask about apartments available
"When did they start coming around, here?"said Chanell
"Now, Chanell why are you acting so prejudice?"I said.
"I'am not acting like that!, but basically everyone in Harlem act that way, that's something that never changed in Harlem"said Chanell.