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My Interpretations of the Allegory of the Cave: Essay                             Crystal Joi Foster k41 Eng.7 Tech prep

    The Allegory of the Cave is like when a person is born with their 3 senses and as they grow, they learn how to put them to use but all of a sudden the person goes blind or deaf, he now has to depend on the other senses such as for instance, like for sight
he has to learn sign language, and it is going to be hard to adjust to his new way of living. The person is now in a shadow and can't find his way to see the light, he has to keep on traveling and moving to go on a find a way. In that way the person is just like Plato.

1. Who is Plato? Plato is a philospher and an educator
    What are some of his accomplishments? making an observation about the nature of truth.
    What impact does his philosophy have on the comtempory society? The impact that his philosphy has on society was Glancon, Socrates,
Make at least one link to a site where
readers can learn about Plato and his philosophy.

2. In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato seems to discuss about truth, physics, aesthetics,
literary criticism, etc. (a) Do research and find three different interpretations of  Plato's
Cave. (b) List the links of each different interpretation to your web site with brief
annotations. (c)After reading , discussing, and analyzing the text, describe your
interpretation in a 250-word essay. Explain why you draw such a conclusion.(The first draft
will be collectd and read by me before you publish your final draft on the web)

3. Explain how this allegory  has changed your way of thinking?(from your reading log?)

4. If there was one thing you have learned from the "Cave" and would like to apply it to
your life, what would it be and why? 

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To view the illustration of the Allegory of the cave