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Macbeth Project
By: Crystal Foster
English Tech Prep 8
February 23, 2000
Ms. Wu
Macbeth II
Macbeth IV
Macbeth V

Crystal Foster
English tech prep
January 11, 2000

Macbeth File

Write about an experience in which you watched a movie based on a book I read.

     The Color Purple was a book that I read, and the movie The Color Purple. The experience of the book and the movie was very different. In the book, they give you the whole picture word for word. In the movie the director and the actors can give you their best interpretation of what they think about the book, in their own thoughts and words. My experience was that when I saw the movie, I thought that it was the same in the book, but I was wrong.

What is my understanding of Macbeth, based on the text and the movie?

    My understanding on Macbeth is that the three witches told Macbeth that he was going to become the king. Macbeth was overwhelmed by the news that the witches have told him. So when King Duncan announced to everyone, that one of his sons was going to be the king, Macbeth was sad, and shocked by the news that Duncan said. Macbeth was like that the witch's told me that I was going to be the king, and I come to found out that he was not going to be the king.

Scene 5 Act 1

Journal writing:
   In your writing, what is the wife's role in helping her husband fulfill his ambition?
I think that she wants Macbeth to be the king. Lady Macbeth tells him to do what he should do by killing the king. She wants Macbeth to be happy.

What kind of man is Macbeth?
    Macbeth is a kind of man, is that if he want something, he gets it. But if someone is giving him the opportunity in having something, he hestitates in getting it. Macbeth is also brave, noble and victorious.
What kind of woman is Lady Macbeth?
    Lady Macbeth is a person who is very nice and she sounds like a person who fits a person like Macbeth. But Lady Macbeth is person who when a oppurtunity comes, she does not hestitate to take the oppurtunity. She goes to sieze the day. Nothing will come in her way. She looks like a nice person, on the outside. but in the inside she looks like a person who can really do some damage.

Macbeth 2


posterity =  all future generations
verities =the quality or state of being truthful or honest
indissoluble = incapable of being annulled, undone, or broken

sceptre  = a staff or baton borne by a sovereign as an emblem of authority
predominant =having superior strength, influence, or authority
bounteous= giving or disposed to give freely
avouch=to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved

sundry= different for each
bestow=to put in a particular or appropriate place
dauntless= hero
utterance= the last extremity

contriver=to form or create in an artistic manner
amend=to put right, to fix
malevolence=the quality or state of being bad.
ratify=to approve of something.

homage= a feudal ceremony by which a man acknowledges himself as part of a lord.
exasperate=the excite the anger of. (Instigate)
parricide=one that murders in a intermediate family.

Scene 1, Journal 1

       Describe your understanding of a good leader:

My understanding of a good leader is that you do stuff for your community, and you want to go a change your life and others. You want to do good things and you want to be a good-hearted and do good stuff for your community. A good leader is a person who would sacrifice their lives for the one's or the people you care about. Like Martin Luther King Jr. He was a good leader, he was the one that sacrifice his life for the black people. He even went to jail for his people. Now that's what I call a good leader.

Scene 2, Journal 1

Describe a situation in which you feel obeying the law and following your heart, are in a conflict. How would you solve the dilemma? Explain the reason behind the decision.

   One way obeying the law and following your heart are in a conflict, is when you are rioting against something that you don't believe in. Like the case here in New York City, about African man, Amadou Diallo who got shot for no reason. Alot of people was rioting outside of City Hall, alot of people was following their hearts and standing up for Amadou, and not obeying the law. But you want to obey the law, that's why its such a conflict. You may think that you can't do both, or it is hard to do. One way you could solve that dilemma by doing peaceful protesting and still get your point across, like some people did. Some people was getting arrested for Amadou.  The reason why its a good decision, is because you can always express your anger through protesting, by getting your point across. its always the best way, than getting arrested.

Scene 3, Journal

Describe ideal parent-children relationship. Be specific about what kind of role a parent and a child should play receptively in building such a relationship.

The ideal parent-children relationship is, like the parent should be more like a friend to the child instead of being like a parent. Alot of children love to have the parent to be more like a friend. Most parents are really strict, and when they are too strict, the children become disobedient towards the parents in the long run. They will feel abused by the parents. Of course the child should always honor and obey your parent(s), or the one that takes care of you. But I give an advice to all the parents, just because you are the parent, you don't always have to act like the parent.  Its not always the parent that should deserve the respect, just because they are the higher authority. I feel that you should not recieve respect, if you don't give respect. A parent-child relationship is 50-50, all relationships should be 50-50, we should always give in our part. The parent should have a fun relationship with your child. But when you feel you have to be serious, then feel free to be serious. There is a time and a place for everything. You can't always be the fun parent, be serious when it is needed. Let the child know that you will always be there for them, not be there to put them down. My mother and I do not get along, but me and father get along. My mother is just not the friend type, she is always strict. The child will respect you more if you are not always so strict. Don't let the child think you a fighter/bully, but a good friend who will be there for them through thick and thin.

How has the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth changed compared to the one they had?
The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth changed because Macbeth is the one who is in control of the situations of betweeen him and Lady Macbeth. And Lady Macbeth is the one that backing out. But before this all happened Macbeth was a coward, and wanted to drop out of the situation with Duncan, and Lady Macbeth was the one that was with it and in control.

Why did Macbeth have fears in Banquo?
Macbeth has fears of Banquo, because Banquo's sons was supposed to be the king. And he thought that banquo's sons were supposed to take over the throne.

Write a journal entry commenting on "Violence leads to more violence."

    Violence does lead to so much violence. A person who kills someone, is automatically going to kill another, because that's all they know now. Just like in the story that we are reading Macbeth. When Duncan was killed by Macbeth. Macbeth wants to kill another, to get rid of the guilt. So they keep on doing to get it out of their minds. You keep on killing and keep on feeling guilty on what you did. Its like a ongoing cycle, you keep on coming back to where you started from. That's why many people who kill are in jail for like 25 murders, because they can't stop. They are so addicted. People who kill for the first time needs help before he/she can kill the next person.

Do Now: Write a journal about your understanding of or belief about ghosts.

    My understanding of belief of ghosts is that I really don't believe in ghost, goblins, and witches. its according how you put it, Usually when you think about ghosts, you think about a haunted house with ghost howling and scaring people. but the kind of ghost that I really do believe in is when a person dies, they have a spirit that moves through people and makes them feel good. Not to feel scared. When little children think about ghost, they get that imaginative feeling on what they think about ghost. "Like there's a ghost under my bed". "Or Boo-Boo is going to get me". Its just a fairytale kind of thing that people think about.


How have the lords reacted to the experience of observing Macbeth during the banquet scene? Write a diary entry ( or a letter from one of the lords present giving an account of Macbeth's action at the banquet. Draw whatever conclusions you think reasonable.

This is a conversation between a Lord and Lady Wu.

    "Today at the Banquet, Macbeth was going crazy. I think that their is something really wrong with Macbeth. I think he is really insane. what was wrong with him. I'm starting to get really suspious about this man. What did he do wrong to make him go insane. I know that Duncan and Banquo is gone, but its time to give it a rest. We all are sad about our most strongest, lovable, honest, and brave men. But we must get over it" said Lord

"Its a poor thing to see Macbeth going through these tough times of sorrow. His partner in crime dies, and his loyal friend/father is gone. He must wants to kill the person who did those crimes."said Lady Wu.

"I wouldn't blame him. But I really do think that he needs some serious help, before he goes out and kill someone."said Lord.

"You should have been there. He was talking to himself as if he seen a ghost and actually talking to the ghost,"said Lord"You know how people get, when they go insane. He must have done something wrong, because he cannot get it off his mind."

"Don't worry, Lord. Macbeth is just still in mourning. I wonder how Lady Macbeth is taking all this. She seems so calm about it. I wonder if she is considered in taking Macbeth to the doctor."

"Well i'm going to find out what is wrong, because I do not want him to start going overboard with this sickness he has. He really might hurt somebody."said Lord.

"Okay, but don't go and start no trouble. I have to go to the market, to meet Lady Macbeth. See you" said Lady Wu.


Macbeth Act 4

?Vocabulary Act 4

1. VENOM- poisonous matter normally secreted by some animals (as snakes, scorpions, or bees) and transmitted to prey or an enemy chiefly by biting or stinging; broadly BLASPHEMING
2. COMMEND- to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice
3. CONJURE- to charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly
4. CONFOUND- to throw (a person) into confusion or perplexity
6. APPARITION- an unusual or unexpected sight
7. HARP- a plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are perpendicular to the soundboard
8. SOVEREIGNTY- supreme power especially over a body politic
9. VANQUISH- to defeat in a conflict or contest
10. BODEMENT- an inspired utterance of a prophet
11. SEAR-to make withered and dry
12. ANTIC- an attention-drawing often wildly playful or funny     act or action
13. PERNICIOUS-highly injurious or destructive
14. GALLOP-a rapid or hasty progression or pace
15. DIMUNITIVE- indicating small size and sometimes the state or quality of being familiarly known, lovable, pitiable, or contemptible
16. JUDICIOUS- having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment
17. PRATTLER- to utter or make meaningless sounds suggestive of the chatter of children
18. LAUDABLE-worthy of praise
19. SYLLABLE-a unit of spoken language that is next bigger than a speech sound and consists of one or more vowel sounds alone or of a syllabic consonant alone or of either with one or more consonant sounds preceding or following
20. DOLOUR- mental suffering or anguish
21. REDRESS- to set right; to make up for
22. IMPERIAL-of, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor
23. TRANSPOSE- to render into another language, style, or manner of expression
24. YOKE- to become joined or linked
25. TREAD- to step or walk on or over
26. VICE-an abnormal behavior pattern in a domestic animal detrimental to its health or usefulness
27. SUNDRY- to break apart or in two
28. GASH-a deep long cut in flesh
29. GRAFT- the point of insertion of a scion upon a stock
30. CONFINES- something (as borders or walls) that encloses
31. AVARICIOUS- greedy of gain ; excessively acquisitive especially in seeking to hoard riches
32. VOLUPTUOUSNESS- full of delight or pleasure to the senses
33. MATRON- a married woman usually marked by dignified maturity or social distinction
34. CISTERN-an artificial reservoir (as an underground tank) for storing liquids and especially water (as rainwater)
35. IMPEDIMENT-  something that impedes; especially : an organic obstruction to speech
36. INTEMPERANCE-habitual or excessive drinking of intoxicants
37. HOODWINK- to deceive by false appearance

39. VERITY- the quality or state of being true or real
40. FORTITUDE-strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage
41. CONCORD- a state of agreement
42. SCRUPLE- a minute part or quantity
43. CREDULOUS- ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
44. ABJURE- to renounce upon oath
45. DETRACTION- a lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism
46. COVERT- to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another
47. SANCTITY- holiness of life and character
50. DOFF
51. DIRE

Motivational Activity:

Think of a situation where a husband has to keep a secret what he does and when he leaves, he can not tell his family where he will be and he promises he is not doing anything wrong to his family.
 Like say the husband has to do something that's top secret in the Army, and no one can find out what he is doing. Like Area 51, No one knows actually where that place is and a lot of people work there. And the husband is doing nothing wrong to his family, he's doing something for his country.

Macbeth Act 5

1. Perturbation: a disturbance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium; especially : a disturbance of the regular and usually elliptical course of motion of a celestial body that is produced by some force additional to that which causes its regular motion
2. Slumbery: heavy with sleep
3. Murky: characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke.
4. Mortify: to destroy the strength, vitality, or functioning of
5. Upbraid: to criticize severely : find fault with
6. Breach: infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard
7. Purge: to clear of guilt
8. Epicure: one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine
9. Whey: the watery part of milk that is separated from the coagulable part or curd especially in the process of making cheese and that is rich in lactose, minerals, and vitamins and contains lactalbumin and traces of fat
10. Perilous: full of or involving peril
11. Pristine: belonging to the earliest period or state
12. Purgative: purging or tending to purge
13. Rhubarb: any of a genus (Rheum) of Asian plants of the buckwheat family having large leaves with thick succulent petioles often used as food
14. Constrain: to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation
15. Speculative: involving, based on, or constituting intellectual speculation
16. Arbitrate: to act as arbiter upon
17. Siege: a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender
18. Dismal: showing or causing gloom or depression
19. Cling: to have a strong emotional attachment or dependence
20. Tarry: to delay or be tardy in acting or doing
21. Equivocation: to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive
22. Avouch: to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved
23. Harbinger: one that pioneers in or initiates a major change
24. Stake: a pointed piece of wood or other material driven or to be driven into the ground as a marker or support
25. Abhorred: to regard with extreme repugnance
26. Brandish: to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly
27. Interchant:
28. Sheath: a case for a blade (as of a knife)
29. Fiend: a person of great wickedness or maliciousness
30. Prowess: distinguished bravery; especially : military valor and skill
31. Usurper: to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right

Bernard S. Bachrach
Misperceptions of Medieval Warfare
Source from: Tech Prep projects, information on medieval warfare.
Paraphrased by: Crystal Foster

Reading this website on Medieval Warfare and read about the Warfare, has let me know that they must have gone through a lot of hard times during those days. According to Bernard Bachrach he wrote an article "Medieval Siege Warfare. The article is a review of Jim Bradbury's, then recently published to the Medieval Siege, which Bachrach really loves. The article has many footnotes, so you could understand what is going on. Medieval Warfare is generally perceived as battles between hosts and knights in armor charging each other with a rage, the harsh sounds of weapons on armor, the loud noises of knights, and people begging for mercy. Just to say, it was dead wrong what they did. Professor Bachrach words below should help ease the pain of the images that you might picture in your head. His words might also help you understand why this romantic vision came about.
  Bernard Bachrach says that historians writing during the later nineteeth and twentieth centuries played a big role, and understood the importance of warfare in European military history during the Middle Ages. Like from the dissolution of the Roman Empire in the West and the high quality of gunpowder weapons.
He also says that Delbruck's work on medieval history when published, should now be given a honorable burial. Even though these volumes do, they have considerable value for the history of ideas and the history of historical writing. In this context, it should mention the fine English translations by Dr. Everett Wheeler and Greek quotations scattered throughout the English translations of Delbruck's volumes. The recognition of the importance of warfare didn't lead historians to the obvious conclusion that it is the key to our understanding of the Middle Ages.
But look not all writers on the history of the Middle Ages have ignored siege warfare. The most important person who never ignored the pain and suffering was the work of G. Kohler, Die Entwickelung des Kriegswesens und der Kriegfurhung in der Ritterzeit von Mitte des 11 Jahrhunderts bis zu den Hussitenkriegen, 3 vols, (Breslau, 1886-90.)However a man named Kohler, his work was so put down by the viewers, that they thought it had a very little postitive influence. But of course much of the effort was expended to show people what should not have been done.
Indeed, for those who wrote about the Middle Ages, The battles that were written about was not supposed to gross people out, and make people puke over the idea, it was to show people that siege warfare should be there. But therefore, some people did not get the idea, so they thought it was a harmful act towards our understanding of a millenium of European history. Therefore "The Middle Ages is the point that needs to put in perspective of that the armies of the later Roman Empire and the reforms of Diocletian, were not very like those of the later Republic and the Earlier Republic.
C.Do you know where the term caesarian is from?
The term caesarian comes from according to ancient sources, the procedure of surgical removal of a fetus comes from the branch of the ancient Roman Family of the Julii, whose branch name is Caesar, (Latin caedere, "to cut") was originated from a birth by this means; some modern historians doubt that this is true.
The first documented cesarean section on a living woman was performed in 1610; she died 25 days after the surgery. Abdominal delivery was subsequently tried in many ways and under many conditions, but it almost invariably resulted in the death of the mother from sepsis or hemorrhage. Even in the first half of the 19th century, the recorded mortality was about 75 percent, and fetal craniotomy--in which the life of the child is sacrificed to save that of the mother--was usually preferred. Eventually, however, improvements in surgical techniques, antibiotics, and blood transfusion and antiseptic procedures so reduced the mortality that cesarean section came to be frequently performed as an alternative to normal childbirth.
What do you know about sleepwalking syndrome? What could have caused such disorder? Do research on line and find the answer. In Lady Macbeth's case, what could have caused such a disorder in her?
Sleepwalking syndrome is an behavioral disorder (which is also called SOMNAMBULISM) in which a person sits up and performs mobil actions, like talking, singing, eating, screaming, going to the bathroom, or maybe even leaving the house. It usually ends with the sleepwalker returning to sleep with no memory of what happened. It happens usually with children, even though it appears in teenagers and adults. It only happens when during a deep sleep, when the person is not dreaming. Sleepwalking only becomes dangerous when the sleepwalker is accidentally injuring him/herself. Sleepwalking can also occur with a person who has a post-traumatic stress disorder. That means that the person has nightmares which happens in screaming, struggling, or even jumping straight out of the bed. These acts often happen when you begin to wake up.
According to Lady Macbeth's case, maybe the reason why she has "sleepwalking syndrome" disorder, is because all she had to go through, all the pain and suffering that Macbeth has put her through. All the people that Macbeth killed. Anyone could get nightmares, if they knew someone dear, killed a good and loyal friend.  She and Macbeth has gone through a lot. She probably had nightmares, cause she was part of King Duncan's murder. After all that happened, she became insane, crazy, and weird.