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 Stacey Bledman
October 1, 1999
Allegory of the Cave Interpretation

   The Allegory was very interesting because it allowed me to become in touch with reality. I compared it to a newborn baby. The men were in prison, like a newborn baby is the womb of its mother. Dark, silent and unknowning of what to expect of the world it is about to be introduce to. Nine months in a womb you cant strech your legs in. Nine years in a place that won't allow you to be yourself in. Walking through the tunnel of prison was like the baby passing through the birth canal. Scared, alone, and unsured of what it is about to face. Blinded by the lights, people and the problems that are all caused by the outside world they both want to go back to the world that they were acustom to. They finally open their eyes to what opportuinty's lie ahead and become use to the outside world. 

Allegory and Plato Interpretation

1. Plato was a philosopher and educator of ancient Greece. He was one of the most important thinkers and writers in the history of western culture. Some of platos accomplishments are founding a school of philosophy and science that became kown as the Academy. A complete edition of Plato's works, collected in ancient times, consists of 36 works-35 dialogues and a group of letters. The impact that his philosophy has on contempory society was opening up peoples eyes to what was really there. For instance The Allegory of the Cave was something that you wouldn't understand by reading once. In order to get the full effect you have to examine what was between the lines. The Allegory was something that only Plato understood by reading once. When I went to site I found out that Plato's real name was Aristocles and that Plato was a nickname. He was a peace maker and his main contributions are philosophy, mathematics and science.


3. This Allegory has changed my way of thinking because it has allowed me to open my eyes and mine to reality. Instead of looking only at the outside I will look at the inside.

4. The one thing I have learned from the Cave that I will apply to my life is that truth and honesty comes in all shapes and sizes. I will apply to my social life. Looking deeper into my friends emotions.

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