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Stacey Bledman
English Tech Prep
October 27, 1999

Part I:
Define Words:
 1. fate- a power that supposedly predetermines events.
 2. free will- the power to excercise of umhampered choice
 3. Hubris- scornful, overweening pride
 4. Filial respect- not religious
 5. Oracle- divine words, place gods give truth
 6. Impious actions- lacking pity, wicking
 7. Compunction- uneasiness due to guiltiness, hesitation
 8. Clairvoyant- able to see the future
 9. Malediction- curse
10. Blasphemy- cursing

Part II:
Significant Places
 1. Delphi- Oedipus went to the shrine at Dephi, and asked the God about him being Polybos son.
 2. Corinth- This was where Oedipus grew up with his foster parents King Polybos and Queen Merope.
 3. Thebes- King Laios had ruled and now Oedpius ruled as king.
 4. Kithairon- This is where the messenger of Corinth saved Oedipus by cutting the bonds tied to Oedipus's feet.
 5. Locaste's bed- That's where she conceived her son Oedipus.

Part III:
The Motif of Blindness vs. Vision in "Oedipus Rex"