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Oedipus Essay

     Oedipus by being a king new himself as a god, He felt that no one could tell him that he was wrong and that he was what Thereseus was doing, showing him the truth. Most people would see Oedipus as cold hearted, arrogant, and a man with no feeling what so ever. Thereseus was trying to show Oedipus that he was blind by fear of his life. In other words Oedipus was blind to see that his life was a major role of why he was so wicked and evil.

     Blinded to see the naked truth that lied within and right in front of his face the whole time. With people like Oedipus their was a lack of having a mentor at stake to be there for them to let them know what was right from wrong, could it be that Oedipus not knowing really who his parents were was apart of his evil ways. Thereseus was not there to be Oedipus servant, for that is why he was he was there for Apollo, he was a man only concerned about what was going on in Oedipus life. Thereseus was also there in sake to tell Oedipus who his father really was and who killed in the town Thebes was his own father, in which Oedipus never knew until he was told by another.

     Oedipus grew up not knowing at all who his parents were for practically all of his life. Oedipus grew up to be a very confused soul, but until and when the question came up, was it all of Oedipus fault? As you get older I feel that whether you had parents there to teach you right from wrong, you reach a certain age when you become fully responsible for all of your actions unless you are proven to be insane. You can't always put your troubles that you may have on the past because that is what you call a loner.

    Someone who needs to have people open doors for them, make them feel good all the time, and even feel sorry for them or with them just for that person to get an easy ride off. Like they say you can not expect opportunity to come to you knocking on your door and that is what Oedipus was waiting for, an Industry of good things to come to him when things would ever go right for him, Oedipus figured that everything should be paper weight to him because he felt that he was king with no past that he can remember. Oedipus should be happy that Thereseus was there for him whether there wasn't any questions that needed to asked from him.