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Kathy Parks
Tech Prep
Scene 3
Feb. 18, 2000

Posterity-future generations.

Verities-the condition of quality of being real, accurate, or correct.

Indissoluble-incapable of being dissolved, broken , or undone.

Scepter-a staff carried by a sovereign as an emblem of authority.

Predominant-having superior authority or important.

Bounteous-abundant, plentiful.

Avouch-to guarantee.

Sundry-various, miscellaneous.

Bestow-to present as a gift or honor.

Dauntless-to intimidate.

Utterance-the power of speaking.

Contriverto manage or effect.

Amend-to correct, rectify.

Malevolence-having or showing ill, will, malicious.

Ratify-to give formal approval or acceptance.

Homage-special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly.

Exasperate-to make angry or irritated, provoke.

Parricide-one who murders their father, mother, or a close relative.

2. How has the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth changed compared to the one they had?
Macbeth was going around kiling people whiched made hm a changed man to where it interfered with the relationship of him and lady Macbeth. He was always paranoid about lords knocking on his door to come and escort him out the house for the murders and he was going crazy also for seeing the ghosts of Duncan and Banquo.

3. Why did Macbeth have fears in Banquo?
Macbeth feared in banquo because he felt that he knew too much about him killing Duncan and would tell the rest of the lords that he was the killer.

Write a journal entry commenting on "Violence leads to more violence."
violence leads to more violence in two major different but similar ways. Lets say for example if I was to kill someone out of anger, sorrow , Or hate, I may of had killed that person for whatever reason but even if you didn't see who saw what you did someone else still knows what you did, which gives them information on who the killer really and truly is and may want to rat you out for what you did. You may feel the need to have to kill that person for what you did so that you can save yourself from being taken down for that crime that you committed. One other major way that violence leads to more violence is the action of one group or groups of people. The next person may see or hear what you did was wrong and will react. In so many words we could use the Diallo case, if that group of people feels that justice was not justified to the highest peak or maybe justice was not proven guilty for the actions of those criminals, that majority may feel the need to riot because they ( the four cops) were ratified for there insabordanent behavior.

Do Now: Write a journal about your understanding of or belief about ghosts.

Based on your research on and reading of the infomation about ghosts, write an essay describing the origin of ghosts, how the idea is perceived differently in diffrerent cultures, and how people of Shakespear's time viewed ghosts. Analyze in your essay the purpose of creating this "Banquo's ghost" scene by Shakespeare; what can you predict will happen to Macbeth as result of this scene.
 My beliefs of what ghosts are, is poeple who died and comes back to haunt loved ones, such as family members, girlfreinds, boyfreinds, husbands, and wives. I feel that ghosts can either be good one's or bad one's depending on the person they were before they died. Ghost's can or may come back as people say, to haunt those they feel needs to be haunted. as in shakepeare's view of ghost, ghost are people who comes back to haunt those people who have killed them, or people who have killed them. In some culture's there are many different interpretations of what a ghost truly is and what they come back for. In chinese culture, they think that ghost are people who are unloved and uncared for. In Shakespeare's Macbeth there may be a relationship between these to beliefs of what a ghost is because in Macbeth, Banquo is a ghost because Macbeth killed him. Macbeth eventually did not care for him at all so he killed him.

How have the lords reacted to the experience of observing Macbeth during the banquet scene? Write a diary entry ( or a letter from one of the lords present giving an account of Macbeth's action at the banquet. Draw whatever conclusions you think reasonable.

They were acting a little different towards him basically since they had an idea that he had killed Banquo and Duncan.
Write a letter to Scotland Gazette commenting on the current situation in the State of Scotland.

Good afternoon, My name is Kathy Parks and I am a news reporter for the Scotland Gazette. I have interviewed many civilians based upon the killings that have been going on in the town lately of Duncan and Banquo to get a feel of what they feel and who they think could have been doing all of the killings. As a news reporter I will like to comment on the previous murders that has been going on and personally I feel that there should be a private investigator who interviews all civilians to get a feel of the true murderer was.