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Kathy Parks 
Ms. Wu
Nov.16, 1999

Dialogue: Laius and Locaste when they hear the horrible prophesy of their
       Babies future.
DMX as- Laius
Eve as- Locaste

DMX- what's hun, why you look so down.

Eve- just leave me be for a while, Id rather not talk right now.

DMX- so you really expect me to just walk around this damn house and not give a hoot about my wife.

Eve- why you always think that something must be wrong with me, why can't you just understand that sometime I just need to be alone.

DMX- I ain’t tryin to here dat, now you either tell me what tha deal is or IMA have to go up side your head.

Eve- why you always have to be so threatening all the time.

DMX- look I'm sorry, but I hate for you, the love of my life to be seen moping around the house hiding something just to say that nothing is the matter.

Narrator-Eve walks over to DMX while he is sitting on their brand new red  leather couch and presumes to sit o his lap. DMX rubs on her butt and while he is wiping the tears from her face.

DMX- what's the deal baby, now you most definitely have to tell me what is wrong with you now your all crying, and you no I ain’t wit that.

Eve- well if I tell you, you can't get mad.

DMX- boo you already know how I am, once I hear something I don't like, something gots to give.

Eve- well you no what I wouldn’t really blame on not getting mad, besides it's about something I heard about little X.

DMX-what, you know that I love that baby with all my heart and he's not even born yet.

Eve- well I went over to see that god that you told me to never go to see because all that he tells or see in his prophecies is fake and can't no one predict the future and meant no one. Well I was told that little X is going to die. I couldn't believe my ears so I stormed outta there and took the next M100 bus I saw to 125th street and came home. While I was on the bus, the ride was pretty long basically because of all the traffic, some crack head just got shot for some good stuff, I saw to little kids fighting and a bunch of juveniles chasing this one little boy for his coat while one of them got hit by the bus I was on.

DMX- baby what the hell does all of this have to do with my son.

Eve- he's my damn son too, and this has a lot to do with our son because if our child's future was seen to be killed or die of natural causes, I rather kill him my self.

Narrator-Nine months went by and Eve had little X, it's been three whole days and Eve and DMX are both thinking about the killing of their own son and decided not to, they both felt that little X will be protected in every way that he grew up with body guards called the ruff ryders and the head leader of the young  gang of guards was Drag-on.
  (Nineteen years later )

Eve-I am so happy that I didn't have to off my own son, I am mad that the thought even came to mind. I guess that all was thinking about was myself and not little X, but Id rather not go through a tragedy and mourn for the rest of my life, do ya hear me.

DMX- I hear ya, and feel what your saying, ya heard.