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Kathy Parks                                 September 17,1999
E7TP                                                                                                               Q41


                            "My Choice in Life"
College Choice: Dillard University

In my lifetime i've experienced many obstacles of excitement and unhappiness. For one, I've experinced alot of serious things in life and one of those life experiences was the death of my grandmother. that was a turning point in my life because I felt and thoubht that she was all I had in my life, until I realized that it was time to move on. Part of my grandmothers death was a wakeup call onto motivation. My grandmothers death made me realize that their is no such word as to failure. This little phrase made me realizethat I'm able to do whatever I want to do in in life.

        It took me a while or may I say that it took me to egt to high school to realize what I wanted to be when I get older. It's funny how I came across to wanting to be a district attourney. When I tell people what I want to be when I grow up they look at me and askk why. I wanted to be a distirct attourney ever since I was a witness in an arson case two years ago. I found it very exciting but then again scary. People always come to me and say that just beacause I want to be a distirct attourney that I just want to put people away and not help anyone, bthat is not just the case because you are still helping people that are all victims of arsons, murders, rapes and abuse.

        One of my main goals in life is to just go to college and achieve my gola to become a disrtict attourney at law. As per how and why I came across to finding the best school somewhere far was another stressor. I was recommended to take a look at Dillard University being that iI wanted to go away and beibng that my major in High School was Legal Studies, to lok onto a school with a good background and great expectations that a young adult has ever wanted in life. Not only was I interested in going awaay for school but I was also interested in attending a Historically Black College. I find it very interseting in a way because you find it very easier to adapt to and learn form professors and students of your own kind especially due to the backgorund of our ancestors in the day of salery and separation of Minorities from whites.