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Kathy Parks                                                                                                        Tech-Prep
Ms. Wu                                                                                                              October 5,1999

                                                            "The Allegory Cave"

1. Who is Plato? What are some of his accomplishments? What impact does his
philosophy have on the comtempory society? Make at least one link to a site where
readers can learn about Plato and his philosophy.
3. Explain how this allegory  has changed your way of thinking?(from your reading log?)

4. If there was one thing you have learned from the "Cave" and would like to apply it to
your life, what would it be and why?

    I have learned from the reading the basics of living and reasoning. In the article Socrates (Plato) conveys a story level of truth and meaning as he explains to a younger lord, Glaucou, "who is yourself". I wonder that now because it's not a questions that is majorly asked from someone, or maybe even yourself. I've learned from this article that you must have confidence in the "truth". In other words it means to have the faith and meaning within before becoming a victim of illusion like every one else that you ever met or know. Those are people who are living in a dream world. It' hard for those to face reality, wake up to stop being a victim of illusion so far as recognizing the truth. I've also noticed the lack of self- esteem that young girls have in common. Especially when it comes to boys that tey (young girls) are interested in and they feel intimidated by them when as soon as they get around them. Some people are recommended to therapy for young people, who go through stressful factors in their life. As a young adult some people are noticed for their own problems that I see almost everyday that I can pass judgement on. I would say that the allegory Cave was something more related to truth. Like I said some people never realize the that they must wakeup and realize that they are not living in a dream and not fairy tale land. Which brings me back to low seld-esteem that lot's of people may go through at one time in their life, or may create or maybe living through indenial.
    We as the future of the past, learned alot from ancient scholars who created alot for us. We've learned so much from these scholars by all of the different works that they've created for us along with the different techniques as of writing, literaure, math, and speech. Not everyone may realize all of the techniques that we have learned from these differnt scholars who have scratched there brain for reasoning and great thinking. I may say that is what Socrates may have been schooling Glaucou on as a listener. I hope to teach younger people on his great thinking and abreviations of techniques.

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