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Ms. Wu                                                                                                Tech-Prep
Kathy Parks                                                                                          November 24, 1999

                                             "Descriptive Peice"
    On November 2, 1999 our class took a trip to the Municipal Archives building to do research for our partners or group concerning where we lived and how it looked 20 to 30 years ago. I was able to see how my building looked in 193, to me it looks exactly the same. To be able to do the research you first had to get the book of the borough in which you are from. Now I'm from Manhattan and had to look up my street number and plate, after that you had to use that plate number and find or flip to that page with the plate number like 49. On that plate number you look for the building number from where you now live at like 612, get the reference number and go to the drawer and get out a disk. When you have done that you will now be able to see how your building looked or at least what it was before then. I found this to be very interesting and fun, even though I was not able to make it to the museum.

    As I sit here on my bed all that I can think about my neighborhood for one is how so lucky I am to be living in such a nice neighborhood with a beautiful building and people to open the door for me. I would describe my neighborhood as to be so comfortable, I say this because living downtown or may I say midtown manhattan you find it so easy and convenient to get to certain places, like shopping areas, food markets, etc. Now you do have your ghetto part where most of the hoodlums hang out at which is across the street by the projects until god knows when. I enjoy living where I live at, especially because it's easy for and cheaper for me to get home on late nights from clubs basically being that most of the hottest clubs are located downtown, like for instance Club Ivy, Club Speed, or Club Flamingo. In my neighborhood there aren't too many stores to go to besides the supermarket located inside of my building, the pizza restaurant is located across the street from my building, the deli which is located a block away, and the hair spa called dynasty is located across the street form my building also. that should give you an ideal picture of how my neighborhood looks and many words. The Hudson River is located right near my house where I can get a good view of New Jersey and steam boats that passes right by my building. When I come home everyday there is a certain smell that I seem to smell all the time that lets me know that I am home where I feel so comfortable and safe. To me there is no place like home. There may be someone else's house that may be just like yours, but you would only feel relaxed in your own home. One thing that burns me up about my neighborhood is that they are building another high rise building similar to mines right across the street from me that will be blocking the sun in the summertime when it comes to the neighbors who want to get a sun tan in the local park across the street.