Johanna Sosa, 44
Fashion Merchandising

 How is the relationship between you and your boss?

I think that the relationship between my boss and I is understandable.  The reason is because when I have an idea he listen and give his reaction on how he feels.  That way I could give him some suggestions and he doesn't get prideful about being the boss.  He understands the point of view of the workers and sees things from their side of the picture.

2. How is the environment of your work place?

The environment of my job is very cozy.  Every time I enter my job I feel like its my second home.  The people there are so full of loves that make the job more comfortable.

3. Are you comfortable with your career?

This is not what I really wanted to do when I was young but this is what I got.  I guess took the job because this was the first thing that came to me.

4. Is the pay worth the work?

I don't like the pay because I work on a salary.  Sometimes when I work over time I don't get paid for it. I want to get paid for the work that I put in not for the money the company thinks I deserve.

5. Would you rather work someplace else?

Not now because I am comfortable with my job the way it is and the people I work with.  I don't like starting all over again.

6. Why did you choose to work in this field?

I didn't choose this field. Like I said before the only reason I work here now is because this came first then my career.

7. What is your educational background?

I went to P.S. 153 for elementary, I.S. 218 for secondary, I went to Fashion for high school, and I went to City College to get my bachelor in Social Work.

8. If you were to rank your job, from 1 being the best and 5 being the worst what would be?

I would rank it a 3 because my job has its good and bad days.

9. Is there any kind of transportation near to your job?

I have the 1, 2, 3, 9, 7, 4, 5, N, R, A, C, E. WOW, I didn't realize it was so mush trains. OH how can I forget the buses? I think the M6, M15, M5, M7and some other cross-town.

10. What are some positive things about your job?

This is my favorite part.  I think the positive things are the fact that everyone in the job is so close together. Its like a big family.

11. What are some negative things about your job?

The negative thing is the fact that even though they see a no smoking sigh they still smoke and stink up the whole place.  There are not a lot of people that smoke and its fair that we have to smell that nasty smoke.

12. Are you part of a union?

No, I am not because is think a union is just being lazy and finding an easy way out.  I think that the people that join union are just getting out of things are too hard for them to do.  They just want someone to complain to.

13. Do you think that your job has change through the year?

Yes we have better technology and we have a bigger space.  Before it just use to have old computers with no Internet and only one floor out of a fifteen story building.

14. How long have you been working here?

I have been working here for about 3 years.

15. How many jobs have you have so far?

Before this one I had 2 jobs one in Burger King and the other one was at a Restate Company. 

Janelle Hiciano 17

1. How is the relationship between you and your boss?

The relationship between my boss and me is okay, but there's not a lot of communication.

2. How is the environment of your work place?

The environment of my work place is peaceful and safe.  There is a lot of security in my work place.

3. Are you comfortable with your career?

No. Because this is not my career choice.

4. Is the pay worth the work?

No because we work hard and we don't get paid a lot of money.

5. Would you rather work someplace else?

Yes because I want to do things that are worth the money.

6. Why did you choose to work in this field?

The reason that I choose this job was because it was the fastest I could get.

7. What is your educational background?

P.S. 98, I.S. 52, Murry Bergtraum, John Jay for college to get my bachelor in Criminal Justice.

8. If you were to rank your job, from 1 being the best and 5 being the worst, what would be?

 I would rank my job I would rank it 3 because I could be fun and stressful at same time.

9. Is there any kind of transportation near to your job?

There are only two buses around my job. The BX7 and the BX 20

10. What are some positive things about your job?

The positive about my job is that it's close to home and I get along with the workers. Another positive things are that I know what I'm doing.

11. What are some negative things about your job?

The only negative thing about my job is that the customer is rude and the hours are not flexible.

12. Are you part of a union?

No I am not because I don't have time for a union.  I probably consider it if I am treated unfair in my work place.

13. Do you think that your job has change through the years?

I don't know I don't even have a year here, but I sure do hope so.

14. How long have you been working here?

I have been working here for 7 months.

15. How many job have you have so far?

This is my first one and I hope it's not the last.

Victor Sosa, 74
Factory Worker (Retired)

1. How is the relationship between you and your boss?

When I was working in the factory no body really spoke with the boss.  he just told us what to do and how to do it.  I wanted our relationship to be better but he was very anti-social.

2. How is the environment of your work place?

It was very hot.  Especially when it was summer there were no air conditioner and we had fans that let out hot air.

3. Are you comfortable with your career?

I didn't want to do what I did but since I wasn't a citizen that was the only thing that I was offer.

4. Is the pay worth the work?

Yes. I always brought home the bacon lol ( Laugh out Loud )

5. Would you rather work someplace else?

Yes in a minute because they treat the people with less money different and I felt like I was a slave.

6. Why did you choose to work in this field?

Because this was the easiest  job for me to get and I when I got use to it, I didn't want to go through the whole process of finding another job.

7. What is your educational background?

I graduate high school in Dominican Republic and when I came here I just starting working.  I never even attend college. Now that I am old I will never go back to school.

8. If you were to your rank job, from 1 being the best and 5 being the worst , what would be?

I would rank it 2, because I was treated so bad for a job that wasn't even worth all the trouble.

9. Are there any kind of transportation near to your job?

No I usually work to my job.  It wasn't far away. It was like 1 mile.

10. What are some positive things about your job?

All the man were treated like they rule over the girls and in a way it made me feel special.

11. What are some negative things about your job?

There were a lot of division between our background so we all didn't get along and they treated us nasty because we weren't that rich compared to the others.

12. Are you part of a union?

That didn't existed when I was working.  But if it did I would do it in a minute because they would help me out.

13.   Do you think that your job has change through the years?

Yes now they pay more and they have union so they are treated fairly and I probably have a chance of getting a better job in a different field.

14. How long have you been working here?

I was working in the factory for 20 years. I think that was a short time. It fly's by fast when I am working for money.

15.  How many job have you have so far?

None. After I finished working in the factory I retired my kids were taking care of me and my wife until now.


Crowded houses, Crowded streets
I am so confused I don't where to begin
Growing up in the ghetto is hard to survive.
Always seeing people get shot in the corner of my eyes.
Everywhere I go I come upon trouble
Trying to run from the past that's full of sorrow
Early morning I rise to catch my boat on time.
I never catch the right one, but at least I try
More than a year I have in this place.
Everyday when I rise, I'm full of regrets
I want to do to college far, far away.
To get away from the desert, the forest, the flames.
It's doesn't matter what happens
There will always be Crowded houses and Crowded streets

Trap in Mariners Harbor

As I looked around me I'm trap in a world
All the strange things around me make me afraid
The forest in the front like a lion to devour
All the strange people who wander without a owner
I want to get out, you don't let me get out of this nightmare
178 is the numbers where everything begins, Lockman is the things
that locks me inside and Avenue is the street that laugh at me.
What now, do I leave or do I stay. In a place that only the devil can created.
Is there, any way out that does not include suffer dying malice and deceit.
Show me the way.
I am trap in a cage with the owner Mariner Harbor.

Time Line

Attitudes toward work during. The classical period
The Greek word for work was pones taken from the Latin poena, which meant sorrow. “Honorable retirement into
rural peace as a country gentleman. Judeo-Christian had a belief system that was one of the significant influences on
the western world. “To work it and take care of it”, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food unit you return to
the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are to dust you will return. The Greek belief that a person’s prudence
morality and wisdom was directly proportional to the amount of leisure time that person had. A division of labor, separation them first into categories of rich and poor, and then into categories by different kinds of work. “Work is a waste of time”. The Greek and Hebrews regarded work as a curse and slaves only did it. The cultural norms allowed free man to pursue warfare.
The Romans adopted much of their belief systems. Hebrews believed that work was a form of a punishment that god gave to
Adam and Eve when they were forbidden to enter into the Garden of Eden

Attitudes Toward Work During the Medieval Period

Work is a punishment by god for man’s original sin. The middle age was the fall of Greek Christian thought dominated the
culture of Europe. Social Statues, Aristotellanism an evident in the system of divine law taught by the Catholic Church. Work in Church was higher category.

Protestantism and the Protestant Ethic

John Calvin introduced the theological doctrines which combined with those of the to Martin Luther a form of a new attitude
toward word. God assigned each person to his own place in the social hierarchy. The word of god all man should work even
the rich.

Two Perspectives of the protestant Ethic

Changes in the economic structure as an outgrowth of shifts in theological beliefs. Changes from medieval and classical ways of thinking about work. Protestant Ethic the key elements. Rapid populations increase of Germany and Western Europe, Inflation, High unemployment rate.

Rise of Capitalism
Diligence in work popular writing by Benjamin Franklin. Work is essential to the transformation from the feudal system to the modern society. Attitudes and beliefs that supported hard work become secularized, and were woven into the norms of
Western culture.

The work Ethic in America

The Protestant Ethic became a significant factor in the Europe culture.

The work Ethic and the Industrial Revolution

Work Ethic provides a sociological as well as an ideological explanation for the origins of social hierarchy through the corollary that effort expended in work would be rewarded. In the late 1850 most American manufacturing was
still being done in homes and workshops.

The Work Ethic and Industrial Management

Some worker were self-starters and didn’t respond well to close supervision and others became distrustful of managements when pay increases failed to keep pace with improved productivity.  By the end of World War II scientific management was
considered inadequate and outdated to deal with needs of industry.

The Work Ethic in the Information Age

Motivation to work involved trust, caring, meaning self-knowledge, challenge, opportunity for personal growth, and dignity. In
a study for the U.S. Department of commerce, examined over 400 occupations in 201 industries.  Most workers were satisfied with their work and wanted to be successful in it.

The Work Ethic and Empowerment

The process of person in an organization coordinating their activities to attain common goals as important to the well being of
the organization. The major elements of the model were institution, role, and expectation, which formed the normative dimension of active in a social system, and individual, personal, and need-disposition which constituted the personal dimension
of activity in a social system. Young people entering the workforce with high school and college education, expected opportunities for advancement.

Other changes in the Workplace

Noted a trend on the part of younger worker to view work differently than older worker. Some women because operatives in textile mills, office workers, or salesclerks, and increased numbers were employed as teachers. Told of the growing restlessness of women in the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s. By 1980 42.5% of nation’s workers were women. In 1950 persons 65 years old and older comprised 45.8% of the workforce as compared to 18.4% in 1981. Women were inclined to seek job Characteristics Which allowed them to help others, to be original and created, to progress steadily in their work, and to work with people rather than things. Women, more than men, also tended to seek personal benefits such as enjoyment, pride, fulfillment, and personal challenge.

Influences shaping the Contemporary Work Ethic

“Inculcation of good work attitudes” Children are also influenced by the attitudes of others toward work. The work ethic is a
cultural norm that places a positives moral value on doing a good job and is based on a belief that work has intrinsic value for
it’s own sake. Vocational education.