College Research

Starting the college research was very excited for me because it makes me think more about my senior year.  Researching the college and what they offer made me thinks about me future and the profession that I want.  When I started the research it was so hard for me because we were going so fast and I was getting stuck.  But I got the hand of it I learned a lot about different college and their majors.  While doing my college research I came across two college that caught my eye.  The first was Farmingdale State University in Long Island and City College in New York City.  If I would go to any of those colleges I would major in Advertising, Business Administration or Elementary Education.  In conclusion I think it was great that we started now doing the college search because later on it would be too late.  As I keep doing my college research, I would look at other colleges and major that I would like to get into.