I, Ysaura Nuñez, am a senior at Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers.  I am majoring in marketing.  After graduating from high school I wish to attend New York City Technical to study of Advertising Marketing.
    About hundreds of times in our lives we were all asked the famous question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Every time I am asked I come up with a new career.  I am like a little girl who wants to do everything in everything field.   Throughout the years, my mind has changes through many fields, but I finally came up with a career that will make me happy and comfortable.  My finale career choice is Advertising Marketing.  While in high school years, I majored in marketing where I took courses in business management, advertising, retailing, and business applications.  I am currently a member of the Senior Council and I am a tech prep student.
    Experience is something very valuable which I was lucky to have in both the sales and marketing fields. I always work in clothes store or in offices so they can help me get more experience for the future.  Every day that I was working I felt an excited feeling because I was doing something that I love doing.
      I am qualified for this career and for acceptance into New York City Technical College. I am a friendly, independent, loyal, eager, creative, intelligent, and responsible person.  I consider myself to be a leader rather than a follower and always strive to achieve the best in life.  Coming from a Dominican background made me develop my own personal goals in various ways and while many would consider being a minority a negative factor.