Journal #1
Describe your understanding of a good leader

I think a good leader is someone that set the right example in everything.  We can't have a leader that tell us not to do something and than he/she does it. We need a leader that practice what they preach.  For example we can't have a leader who says that we should like everyone from the inside not the outside. Then he/she is being racist because of the person skin color or background.  I feel that a leader is also someone that is going to be worthy in every area.  For example we need a leader that will help out the community with no hesitation.  Also a person that will look at the best interest of the person instead of looking at the negative.  I think that we are the perfect leader.  The reason I think this is because deep inside we know what we have to do to better ourselves.  I don't think we need a leader to give us order in our lives but just to try to give us an example and to have control if things get out of hand. That's what I think a Good Leader is.

Journal #2
Describe your ideal parent children relationship. Be specific about what kind of role a parent and a child should play receptively in building such a relationship.

In parent and child relationship both part should put 100% to make the friendship work. Both parts can't have a stable relationship with only one part doing the work.  What I mean is that parents should always be there for their kids.  They need to nourish them and make sure that their kids are taken care of and have everything they need.  Even though those are the usual things a parent should do, but they also need to have understanding.  They need to always give their kids the benefit of the doubt.  Believing a child is the most part.  The parents can't function if they are always going to come down on their kids without knowing the whole truth. They can't just go by what they know.  the kids also need to have compassion.  they have to understand that the parents not to get mad. They need to tell them where they are going and when they are coming back so the parents won't worry.  They also have to realize that if their parents tell them no for something is for the best and not harm them.  I think that if both parts into the relationship a lot of effort the friendship would be unbreakable. That is what I think about they way a parent children relationship should be. 

Point of View

Me traitor to me family.  How can I? I am trying to do everything to stay out of trouble everywhere I turn trouble comes to me.  I am so upset.  How can Antigone say such things?  Doesn't she understand that Polynecies fought with our own brother.  She just wants to go down with her.  Doesn't she understand what can happen to her for trying to be brave.  So where does that leave me.  My father is dead for being stubborn and not believing in fate.  My brothers are dead for going into war against each other. My mother is dead for not dealing with the situation before.  But now Antigone has gone mad and also wants to die.  That leaves me.  Little me.  What can I do?  What can I say that won't stir up trouble?  I made up my mind I won't help her.  Let her think what she wants.  Let her fate take her to hell.  But I wonder what is my fate.  What would happen to me.  Well I am worrying too much.  All that I know is that I am not a traitor to the family and I don't have to prove myself to anyone especially Antigone. 

Point of View
Scene I

Me Creon king of thebes.  How can people detest me?  Before me was king Oedipus and we all know what happened to him.  HA! Served him right.  What can I do to make then people submit to me.  I know I will give Eteocles a proper burial.  Yes for being courageous and fighting for us.  Even though he died, that makes him a brave man.  But Polynecies fought against his brother and that's not tolerated.  He was a traitor to our country.  Yes this will  get the people to love and worship me for being king.  Poor sister of mine.  Not believing her fate.  Now the whole family has gone down the hole.  Only two left.  I wonder what will happen.   WHAT!  They told me that a person dared to disobey me bury Polynecies.  How could they?  As soon as I find this person he is going to die a dreadful death.  Don't they understand that i am control and what I say goes.  They are trying to test me.  But it's won't work.  I am too powerful.  I wonder who it was.  we are going to find out and make him pay for disobeying me. 

Point of View
Scene II

Finally finding the person who dares to disobey me.  But I can't believe that's Antigone.  My blood turning away from me.  She is just arrogant.  The way she spoke to me was so outrageous.  How can she be so confident?  I should of known she was up to something.  But how can I be so cold blooded and not understand that Polynecies was her brother and she was going to do everything to bury him.  I would not be gentle on her because she is to marry my son.. This will prove to people that I am serious about things and if they go against me they will suffer.  I wonder how my son is feeling right now.  I know he is mad because of what I did to Antigone but she deserved it.  I warn people of Thebes what would happen to them if they would ever disregard me.  Oh Oedipus, your family will never stop doing the wrong things.  You have destroyed it for the whole family.  Now everything that happens to them is awful. The family is cursed because of you.  HOW DELIGHTFUL!!!!

Point of View
Scene III

My father thinks that being that I'm his son I shall have all obedience and reverence to those who follow Gods laws.  My poor father has reasoned badly as to punishing Antigone, my bride.  The one that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.   He's not in a position to know everything that people say or do, and what they feel.  He is not God.  He can't order people to feel a certain way.  No, his temper terrifies the people.  They say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died a shameful death for a generous act.  Antigone would be the first one.  This what they say in the city.  Nothing is closer to me than my father's happiness, but I can be apart of my father's madness.  I can't deny my father that's my life. But thinks that because I'm young I know nothing ,  if I am young and right, what does my age matter?  I am still right and know right from wrong even if I am young.  I can not see Antigone die before my eyes.  If she does, he will never see my face again. I will disown my father and run so far that he be sorry and face his consequences alone. 

Point of View
Scene IV & V

My poor daughter Antigone, I can not tell what shape of guilt appears in your punishment by Creon. He is so unfair.  My brother what a shame.  No child should have to go through this.  My child, you have been a stranger in your land. All  because of your father.  Much will come to Creon because pride over overrides justice. He will soon paid for all the heart break that he cause. You soon see me again, your mother, and Polynecies. When the time comes we will be united.  Unfortunate death before your time is your reward but justice will prevail.  Daughter of mine, you have not sinned before God, or have done wrong.  What you did was very brave and noble.  The wrong lies in Creon.  Creon will hear news of the prophet, and will not like it.  The city knows that all men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he know his course is wrong.  However, the message by Terisais told to Creon is too late for time, is not far off when he shall pay back corpse for corpse, flesh of he own flesh. So his time will come when he pays for every body and every soul that he did wrong too. 

Point of View

When I heard the people talking in the street about what happen I couldn't believe it. The things they were saying about my son and Antigone were outrageous.  I can't believe they did that because of something that Creon did.  What a horrible man who was going to do such things and have no compassion.  I find to find out it's true or not.  IT'S TRUE!!  My precious son Antigone his chosen wife dead.  What a new sadness.  Everyday I go through my life with things happening. What can I do I can't believing my own Creon would be so sinister and do such things.  My heart is so delicate.  Why are these happening to me?  I thought after Oedipus died things were  going to change, but they got worst. What am I going to do now? I can't keep living this life that has no good meaning to it.  I have to take a break from life so I would suffer no more.  That's it I know I am going to use hanged myself.  That is what going to end all the painfulness that is going on in my life.