Shakita Calhoun
                           CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY
                           "My most prized possessions"

                       Three of my most prized possessions are my family,my music, and my life. These three things are most important to me in my life because they really describe me, as you will see.
                       My family is the #1 thing in my life. I feel very gifted to have them, being that there are so many people that are from broken homes. My mother, father and brother really mean alot to me, I love them dearly and they will always be apart of my life, even though we argue sometimes. My family is just the best; they shape me by always telling me to stay positive. We are very close and a lot of families are disfunctional, but we are far from it. I really enjoy being around my family, Iwould never give them up.
                      In addition to my family, my music is very important to me. I don't make my own music but, in the future I would like to make my own. For now, I listen to a lot of music; HipHop, R&B and country. My music, a lot of times is what keeps me sane. Music really helps me get through a lot of things in my life especially Gospel music it gets me through my everyday problems and successes. It inspires me to keep my head up and lets me know that everything in my life God did just for me.
                    My life, I know that what I do now as far as the way I live my life as a young adult is going to affect my future, success. A lot of times times I think about my especially when I get sick of school, and I say my life is more important than being sick and tired. I know that my education will take me far in the future.
                   Of course, there are a lot more things that I hold close to my heart and that I would'nt trade, but my family, music, and life are the most important to me. As long as I have all these things and all these things to struggle for, I'm busy and complete.