Shakita Calhoun

                                                          The Jungle

                This report is about The Jungle by Sinclair. The Jungle is to advocate socialism. The jungle can be described as the downhill path with plateaus of of fake hope of wage slavery under a capitalist system a path only to be reversed at the end by he beginnings of a rise with the arrival of socialist beliefs. The story takes place in Chicago's packing town in the early 1900's also where the wedding feast takes place of  Jurgis Rudkus and Ona lukoszaite who are Lithuanian immigrants. In the book conflict take place between man vs man and man vs himself.

                 Jurgis Rudkus is a young Lithuanian immigrant whose strong shoulders big hands and dogged determination are virtually his only resources in the attempt to establish a life for his bride her family and his father. The important interactions take place between him and him wife Ona. I feel he is a good character in the story. His character does really change but you can understand where he's coming from.
                 Ona Lukoszaite is fiancee and later wife of Jugis a simple child whose physical and emotional fragility allow little chance for survival. I important interactions take place between her and her husband. I feel that her character really needs needs to be stronger and more in control of her feel she she doesn't really change by the end utill she dies while giving birth. This kind of character you can really learn from.
                  Marija Berczynskas is Ona's cousin an orphan a young woman of immense energy powerful body and strong, demanding voice by the way her whole aura is you can tell than she decisions which is good for her and her cousin because she is the  total opposite of her. You need a character like this to balance things out she helps her cousin and she doesn't change which is good.
                 One scene that describes major conflict is when Marija goes to work but is fired for insisting on her rights. She finds another job but learns the hard lesson in packing town of hanging on to a place. For Mariga this is so strong and conflict because she is so strong and confident. I guess being strong confident and demanding doesn't always pay off sometimes it can get you in trouble or fired. However it doesn't lead to more conflict.
                 Another conflict is when Ona confesses to adultery forced on her by another man where she and her husband work. Jurgis find out it was Connor and he attacks Connor ending up in jail for assault. Because they cannot pay for bail he remains in jail for thirty days. This is when conflict begins to take place with himself because he becomes stressed and starts to drink until he's drunk.
                 The point of greatest tension in the story is when Jurgis begins to learn that the conditions they work and the way they are treated at work is unsafe and ruthless. His father Antanas gets a job by bribery but the conditions in which he works cause his death. This is the greatest point of tension because all Jurgis wanted to do was to establish a life for his bride her family and his father and now his father is gone so that situation was real hard on him.
                 The novel end in the moment that changes Jurgis life. He goes to see a speaker at a rally and is turned over to another socialist comrade, Ostrinski. He explains the meaning of socialism to him with help him understand the truth about society.The story was very realistic. I feel the author wanted you to see exactly what education can do because this really change Jurgis he learns how socialism could remake society into a place for the free individual by removing the control of wealth from the hard of capitalists.
                I liked this novel it was definity realistic. The story didn't really change anything about my way of thinking. I don't let things I read control me or the way I think. I would recommend this book to anybody I feel is like Jurgis because it could change a life.