Harold Fraser

List anything you know about unions and how they changed the workplace.  What labor problems have been solved, what's left to do?   You should save this list for use in the post-reading assignments.
     Labor Unions were created around the end of 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century.  Labor Unions were created as a result of capitalism.  As the working class increased, there were fewer jobs and the working class depended more and more upon their employers.  During the 20th century, the labor union became more extended, especially to semiskilled, unskilled, workers in coal mines, factories, the transportation industry, on the docks and many European nations.
     A labor union is usually group of workers that get together to improve their economic status and working conditions.  Union workers have always been made to help protect the employee.  The earliest unions are said to have been created in 1830. Union workers were really designed in the early days when working conditions were really bad and people were afraid to speak up to their employers.

     Sometimes union representatives would come by the jobs and try to spread the work on union leadership.  Many employees were very afraid to join these unions because they were afraid that they would lose their jobs.  However, little by little the employees were convinced to join these unions.  It took a slow rise but in the long run it has definitely proven to be worth it.

     Unions have also helped many people fulfill their goals.  For instance, some people probably did not get to finish a certain level of education that they have wanted to.  For instance, many some people did no get to finish High School.  A lot of unions provide educational classes or services that can help people get their GED or even take college classes.