Harold Fraser
Ms. Wu

After describing the actual work, reflect on what was learned from the experience--for example--the value of money, a sense of responsibility, an understanding of flexibility, an appreciation of the need for cooperation.  You should also consider what was learned about employer/employee relations, bosses, the value (or meaninglessness) of an education.  Be specific-support your assertions with examples.

    I have a greater sense of responsibility. I know now that I have so much time to do certain things before I have to leave to go to work. I learned that employer's can be very understanding and flexible. I also learned the importance of good employer/employee relationships. Some of the people that I work with hate the boss and think that he is too strict. I think the opposite. I think that he is very fair. I also now see that people have different approaches towards work. I go there and do my work, the other people go there and talk to their friends and sleep and read. In my job there is no need for education really. It doesn't take much thought to shelve books.