Maria V. Cruz
Shakita Calhoun
Harold Fraser

Lit Log Chapter 11

The one thing that I really decided to focus on in this chapter is that two of Teta Elzbietas' children have to work.  I find it very sad that children that are not even teenagers yet have to go into the work force and be taken out of school.  I understand the situation that was going on during those times, but I found it depressing that children this young would never be able to truly enjoy there childhood.

 These poor children are learning about life the hard way.   They have to face the harsh and cruel world at such an early age.  I hope that the situation for the family gets better but so far it does not seem to be making any progress.  I feel that this family deserves so much more and that they are a very strong family.

 I find it so sad that a family that has left their country to come to America has found nothing but pure misery.  I know that the family was expecting so much more when they moved to America.  So far, poor Ona is having bad health trouble, Jurgis has ripped a tendon in his ankle, and Marija has to be delayed from getting married and true happiness.  I hope that Jurgis will be well enough to go back to work.  I also hope that they will finally be treated fairly and paid a decent salary because, they work way too hard for the salary they make.