Harold Fraser
Ms. Wu

A letter from one character in the United States assessing the situation and trying to decide if the family would be better off returning to the "old country."

Dear Jurgis,
    This is your cousin Joorves trying to talk some sense into you. I have been living here in the United States for ten years, so I know first hand that this is not the land that you thought it was. This is not the land of opportunities. It is extremely hard to make a decent living here. The jobs are few and far between and when you do get one, you realize that it is in the worst conditions that you have ever seen. You begin to feel happy everyday when you don't come down with some disease or aren't victim to some accident. The pay is low and the hours are long.
    Consider yourself lucky if you are able to find decent living quarters. Hopefully some agent won't swindle you out of your money and have you living in a shack.
    Think back to the days in Lithuania. Times were hard, but at least you were surrounded by family and friends to help you get through it. Don't you think that it's better over there? The only reason I'm staying here is because, after ten years, I have my own business and home. It's not much, but its mine. I don't want you to have to waste as much time as I did for so little profit. Please take my words into consideration.
