Harold Fraser
Ms. Wu

Interview Questions

1. What type of attitude do you have towards work?
2. Where do you think you got this attitude?
3. What do you feel is most important in a job?
4. What kind of atmosphere should a workplace have?
5. Is there a specific area in which you would like to work?
6. Where do you work?
7. Do you like it there? Why/Why not?
8. Why did you choose that job?
9. How long have you been working there?
10. What do you do?
11. Have you held the same position for all of that time?
12. How do you feel about that?
13. Do you feel that your skills are being properly used?
14. What would you change about your job? Why?
15. How do you feel about your boss?
16. Is this going to be your last job? Why/Why not?

 My Mom- Sheryl
1. My attitude towards work is positive, knowing that I am contributing a service.
2. I got this attitude form knowing that the work I do is appreciated and important.
3. I think that hard and conscientious work and an eye for detail are important in a job.
4. A workplace should have a friendly, doors open atmosphere.
5. I would like to work in downtown Manhattan.
6. I work in Putney Twombly Hall and Harrison. It's a law firm.
7. Yes. I like many of the people but I don't like the turn over in management. The new managers like to make people's lives harder, making us do things over to make insignificant changes.
8. I choose that job because it was a small family-type orginization that cared about the employee.
9. I have been working there for 16 years.
10. I am a word processor.
11. Yes i have held the same position for all of that time.
12. I wish that there was more room for advancement.
13. Not to the maximum. I feel that I am being held back from utilizing skills in other computer software.
14. I would like the company to adapt a more liberal policy on hours and vacation time because sometimes people need different, staggered hours and vacation should not have to be taken in weekly intervals.
15. I don't like my boss. I feel that the "my door is open" is really just talk. Nothing is ever done about your complaints. The more you tlak the more you are ignored.
16. No, this will not be my last job because I am so unsatisfied with this job that I am currently looking for another one. I hope that my last job will be my own business.

1. My attitude towards work is positive. I know that certain things have to be done to prosper.
2. I think I got this attitude from my parents. They always instilled a sense of hard work pays off in me.
3. I think that happiness is most important in a job. No matter how much you make if you’re not happy then it’s not worth it.
4. A workplace should have a friendly business-like atmosphere. A person should feel comfortable going to work but know that work has to be done and that it is not a place to rest.
5. I like to work in the city. I wouldn’t feel comfortable anywhere else. I like the activity that the city has.
6. I work in the Richmond Hill branch of the Queens Public Library System.
7. It’s all right. It is the only job that I know of that has very flexible hours because they understand that you have to go to school. I would like the pay to increase.
8. I started out as a volunteer for school and they hired me.
9. I have been working there for two years.
10. I am a page. I shelve books and clean up at closing time. I also do anything that any of the librarians might ask me to do.
11. Yes, I have held the same position for all of that time.
12. I feel fine about that. That is what I was hired to do and I don’t expect to do anything else.
13. My job doesn’t require any skills and I didn’t get the job for any to be used.
14. I would change the pay and I would make it a private library. Too many homeless people and kids come into the library and mess it up. That makes my job harder.
15. I like my boss. He isn’t condescending and when he wants you to do something, he asks you instead of telling you. He makes suggestions as to how you do things better instead of just condemning your work.
16. Of course this isn’t going to be my last job. This is just something to help me get some money in my pockets.