Maria V. Cruz
Shakita Calhoun
Harold Fraser
     Our Work Experience

 Our groups work experience has ranged from working at Law firms, to working at a public library.  All of our group members learned about responsibility.  Each member of our group has gained either a positive or negative experience.  Whether the experience was good or bad, the group members have still gained from their experience to help them with their next job.

  For instance, Shakita worked in a law firm, she learned about handling her money in a wise and responsible way, rather than just buying the first thing she sees.  Harold worked in a library, he has also gained a greater sense of responsibility.  He learned that he had to put his priorities first and that school was definitely the first priority on his list.  Maria also worked in a law firm.  Regardless of the fact that she did not like her job, she still gained a sense of responsibility.

 Shakita learned that an important friendly environment is important in order for you to like your job.  She got along great with her boss and she liked her job very much.  Harold also learned that it is important to put your priorities first and that you should get along with your boss.  Harold had a good relationship his boss and, he still works there until this day.  However, Maria felt that it is important to get along with your boss the hard way.  She did not get along with her boss at all and hated it until the point where she felt she could not take it and, decided to quit.  She learned the hard way about having a somewhat friendly relationship with your boss.

Shakita learned that it is important to have a good education in order to have a job.  Due to the fact that she worked in a law firm,  her skills that she learned in High School have helped her a great deal.  Maria also felt that it is important to have a good education in order to have a good job.  She felt that you should have a basic understanding of office skills and ready to work under pressure, if you work in a law firm.  On the other hand, Harold feels that at his job that you do not necessarily need a good education in order to work at the library.  He feels that you should basically have common sense.
    Everyone's experience was different.  Some were more positive and on the other hand, some were more negative.  Regardless, whether the experience was positive or negative, it is something that we gain and learn from. It helps us with our next job experiences and how to cope with them.  It might sound silly but our job experiences also helps us with life experience.