Harold Fraser
Ms. Wu
If people asked me what I do when I'm at home, I'll tell them that I do nothing. Nothing except be bored. There is nothing to do in my neighborhood that doesn't involve me getting on the train for at least one stop.
First of all there are no people. There are three houses on my block and I don't know any of the neighbors. No one in my family does. Call it antisocial if you want, it doesn't matter. Other than them there is no one else on my block. As I now think about it, my neighborhood is pretty desolate. That is why when I get home, I stay there. I don't go anywhere unless it's for shopping. I just sit at home and watch television or play games or read or listen to music. That's it. I don't even talk on the phone that much. It is especially bad when there is nothing on television. I only out on the weekends to go to work or to shop. Occasionally I will go out with some friends.
I think that I live in the most boring place in the entire city. I am the only person out of all of my friends that doesn't have friends in their neighborhood. It is unbelievable. The boredom has had an effect on me though. That effect is me learning how to be by myself. I don't have to depend on anybody. I am totally self-sufficient. That is something that some people never achieve and it is important. Nobody should have to depend on anybody to do anything for them. When they're learning how to do things, it's alright, but after that they shouldn't need anyone to do those things for them. I am grateful to this neighborhood for helping me get to this level. Even still, I hate the isolation. I don't feel that any child should have to look forward to going to school to be with friends.