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Work Ethic

Journal- What is your attitude towards work?  Where do you think you have acquired such an attitude?

    My attitude towards work is that I view work as an very important part of life.  Without having the knowledge to work the world would be so poorly tended.  I love to work knowing that I will be feed and that I'm independent because once you work you have power and free will.  In the work place you get paid for you have accomplish and that is how education plays a role into work.  Without skills, and knowledge you become dependent on everybody and everything and do not have any sense of free will because you have nothing you can call your own.  I got my attitude from my family and especially the females in my family because in these day you can't depend on any body for anything not even a man because once you do you become there pond and have to give in return some what like a slave because you are trap in the hands of the person you provides for you instead of begin in charge of your own because you always own something to someone if you have nothing.

Attitudes Toward Work During

1. Classical Period

2. Medieval Period
  Protestantism and the Protestant Ethic Two Perspectives of the Protestant Ethic 3. Rise of Capitalism 4. America 5. Industrial Revolution
A. Massachusetts-  The employment rate increase with the addition of nineteen textile mills, workshop and homes
                                 trade places were replaced by the mass production of factories

    B. Factories- The production was greater than Consumption and threatened  promised of gnomic reward

6. Industrial management- Competition increased and the traditional model of management became
                                          "the  average worker was basically lazy and was motivated almost entirely by money.

A. Scientific Management- As the production increase so did the pay, argument of worker being lazy aroused was said that the the worker were not lazy, there were adaptive.

B. 1950's Job Enrichment Theories

C. Theory "X" and "Y" Information Age A. Industrial Age Jobs B. Information Age Jobs Empowerment 1980's and 1990's A. Organizational behavior Other changes in the Workplace 1980's and 1990's Influences Shaping the Contemporary Work Ethic
Interview Questions and Answers

1. Do you feel there is anything more important then work?
2. What are your views on education?
3. How do they tie in with work?
4. What kind of motivations influence you to work?
5. Do you see work as a challenge?
6. Do you feel uncomfortable working with others?
7. How do you feel about the opportunities females have in the work place?
8. Do you like the kind of field of work you are in?
9. How do you feel about working in groups?
10. Do you feel comfortable in your work environment?
11. How long can you see yourself working at the same job?
12. How do you handle the obstacle that get in your way?
13. Are you satisfy with your income?
14. How do you think you can improve your income?
15. Is the work world hard to handle? Please explain

Interviewee: Miriam Feliciano- Aunt

    My aunt Miriam Feliciano feels that there is nothing more important than work, than your family.  Begin that it is your family that is the motivation that influence people to work.  She feels in order to succeed in the business world there are requirements.  Education is a very important requirement to her, the farther your education and knowledge is expanded the more opportunity you have in the business world.  To her everything requires a challenge, life it's self is a challenge.  Things that are not known to one are challenges and mystery to be figure out.  She doesn't feel uncomfortable or out of place on the job because she claims that she is surrounded by people who are on her level.  She feels that she has plenty of opportunity on the stage she is at on her career path, considering the fact that she is a female because were she at everyone is consider equal.  Her career is exactly what she strive for it's were She wants to be, the relationship between her and her co-workers is great.  They work well together and enjoy doing so.  She descried a day at work pleasant.  She has reached her peak and can't see her self leaving her career because it is what she strive for.  She feels that "when the going gets tough the tough gets going" she sticks to her responsibility and overcomes her obstacles.  Everything she has is exactly what she wanted, going to work to support her family is her main goal and as long as she can achieve that she is satisfy.  Oh yeah is like making the big bucks.

Interviewee: Cheryl Crabb- Cousin

    Cheryl sees work as her number one priority.  She feels since she went to school and college, accomplish so much as far as education goes it was all worth it to her.  Her main motivation are her parents because they strives to put her were she is at.  Therefore to repay them , she makes her responsibility to be  a motivation and a role model to us the younger ones in the family.  To get to were she is at was a challenge and she still has up coming obstacles in her path because she has not reach were exactly she has set the goal to accomplish.  Cheryl feels comfortable working with other s because they help her understand certain situation that she might not be to clear on.  So working as part of a team is what Cheryl enjoys the most.  The males at her work place make it a lot easier for her to overcome the everyday challenge females have to come across.  She likes her career but she is want you can consider a over achiever, always reaches for the stars.  She likes a variety of things so once she gets tired of her want she has already reach, she strives for differences because she feels they're is ot obstacle too challenging for her to over come.  Even though her money income is good, she wants it to be great that is why she is pushing her education farther so that her career can improve as well.  As she said no obstacle is to great for her just have to know how to handle it then you can overcome it.

Interviewee: Angel-Louis Santiago- Brother

    Angel feels that work is the most important thing in society.  Because with out it you wouldn't have anything.  Just like with education an High School diploma you won't get to far in life especially if you are a female.  His motivations to work is his family that he is the provider of and his self-respect.  Work is a challenge, but you should take any challenge if at the end it is for your own good, don't let the challenge take you.  He feels that working with others is enjoyable and has a advantage, because others are like your back bone, they help you in many ways.  The effort that is given off by team work is better than what any one person can make.   He feels that female have as hard as it is because even though they're capable of doing things the are under estimated and over looked, but him as a man respect a female that strives for want they want.  His field of work is what he enjoy doing and is where he wants to be.  His work environment is a aspiration.  He wouldn't leave his job for anything.  He has overcome all the obstacle that have come in his way and is prepare for any challenges up ahead.  Oh yeah and the money that he makes is very satisfying. He believe he has reached his peak and he is very comfortable with his accomplishments.

Final Report


    I Cindy Feliciano have interview three people in my family on work ethics and found out they're views on work and how important it is to them.  The meaning of work to the three of them who are, my aunt Miriam, cousin Cheryl, and Brother Angel were pretty similar.  Being that there are two females and one male.
    They're views vary on what they're motivations were for having strives to were they have reached.  I guess your childhood influences reflect on what might motivate you as a adult to succeed in the work place.  Seeing your parents striving to bring dinner to the table might motivate you to be a hard working adult like your parents were to provide for your family.  That's were my brother the provider falls at.  Growing up having everything in your hands might shape you as an lazy adult whom would be satisfy with mainly anything.  Fortunately no one in my family that that altitude.  But thanks to the examples and success my family has accomplish it set a goal that every other generation that is to form in my family will strive to achieve.
    It's pretty much your up bringing that shape your altitude towards anything especially your views on work ethics.  Because if form day one you were taught to strive to achieve that is what you are likely to do.  But if you are born with a silver spoon in you mouth you are more likely to take things more lightly and strive for what is reachable and beyond.  So your family's generations are shape by the leading ones so teachings those that hold the life line of the family to always reach for what's beyond, don't be satisfy with just anything.  This is something I learned from my interviews that is worth doing, form the different generations in my family.

Cindy Feliciano