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Fate Vs. Freewill 
    Fate Vs. Freewill to me is depicted in Oedipus Rex by, how Oedipus fate was damned from birth.  He was just born, when his parents Laius and Iocaste hear the horrible prophesy the oracle told them what their child would do and how he was to kill Laius his father and marry his mother Iocaste.  From that day Oedipus as a baby had his ankle bind and was to be put on a mountainside and left there to died.

    Oedipus was not left to died, instead the messenger compassion give in and he gave the baby to polybus the King of Corith to father the child.  As Oedipus grew older he had gain knowledge of his oracle and fear of what his fate had in store for him so he ran away to Thebes.

    Were he instead of escaping his fate and what the oracle had prophesy he just ran into it on his way towards Thebes he ended up killing his father which he did not know because he live a lie that he didn't know existed and Thebes should have been the last places to go because he fall right into his prophesy when he actually though he was running from it.

    In Thebes Oedipus became King by solving the riddle of the Sphinx.  What he actually marry the mother he never knew and also on his journey towards Thebes kill his real father Lauis.

    At the end of the book there were these last lines that ended the story which are as following:

Let every man in mankind's frailty
Consider his last day and let none
Presume on his good fortune until he find
Life, at his death, a memory without pain.

My understanding to those last word is that no matter how Oedipus family tried to keep him from finding out who he real was because they knew it would bring destruction and go against his fate, he had no free will and ended up doing exactly what his oracle had prophesy he would, having no control of his fate what so ever.  Because his fate was his fate and sorry to sail no matter how much he tried he didn't have freewill.


A. Laius and Iocaste when they hear the horroble prophesy of their baby's furture.

Apollo: Laius and Iocaste the oracle of child is disturbing.
Laius: What do you mean Apollo, please tell us what the our child propeshy fortells
Apollo: Laius, I should warn first that what you are about to hear will be horrible
Iocaste: Out with Apollo, you are taking to much time to tell us
Apollo: Patients parents of the damn one
Iocaste: Parents of the damn one? what are you refering too
Apollo: Will Iocaste and Laius the oracle of our child is very bad
Laius: Apollo, we have come to you to learn of the orcale so please tells us it no matter what it is-
Iocaste: We are running out of patents.
Laius: Well Iocaste if the oracle is as bad as Apollo is leading it on to be are you sure that you what to know.
Iocaste: You are right Lauis, how about if it is something that we can't afford to llive with.
Lauis: So do you think that we rather leave not ever encount the oracle.
Iocaste: I really don't know because it might be worth knowing to see if we can do anything to stop it from happening
Lauis: Well I think you are Iocaste, I rather know because maybe we can stop.  What do you think Apollo?
Apollo: Well first you can't escape fate and I think you rather know just to be aware because there nothing you can do to stop the events from taking places
Lauis: Events!
Iocaste: What events?
Lauis: Iocaste now I really what to know
Iocaste: I do as well
Apollo: Well your child as I refer to him as the damn one will kill you Lauis his father, and marry his mother you Iocaste.
Both: That's impossible
Apollo: Believe it, for it is true.
Iocaste: I think we have heard enough, Good Bye
(Iocaste and Lauis figure out what to do with the child before the oracle is given time to come true.)