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College Essay
We would like to know ...What experiences have led you to select your professional field and objective.

    The expriences that have led me to select criminal law as my professional, are mainly the influence that I have had at home, in school and the world revolving around law.  

    Many people such as my family and friends at school have always told me that I have what it takes to a lawyer.  Begin that I have a very big mouth in the way that I don't let anyone try to get over on someone, that just isn't fair, and also I like to get my point across and I do not rest until my point is proved or the other person with I 'm arguing with gives up.

     Also at school my teachers say that I should put my mouth to work as a lawyer because when I am right I am determine to let the world know.  And also in school I went on a trip to sit in on a jury that some college students were performing to get there final grade.  Sitting in on the jury made me realize that I wanted my dream of becoming a lawyer to come true.  And actually determining whether the defendants was guilty or innocent and I guess just begin part of something that was very important made me want to make my dream come true.  I guess having the opportunity to do something for the people who are treated unfair makes want to take advantage of it.

    I also pick up experiences from the world that revolves around law.  Like watching a person that committed a crime go free.  That really brothers me and I would like to do everything and anything in my being to put they away for good and not free like they aren't a hazard to the other people surrounding them.  and also to protect those people who are treated unfair because they are prejudge by officer and especially if they don't know how to speak up against a legal system that could be taking advantage of them.  So they need someone like me to protect they rights and freedom and to teach them how to protect themselves from the wick ways the justice system can work against you.

    So therefore what I'm think I have made very clear is that the world and the people who care about you learn and   experience right from wrong or how to make it right.  So the Influences that I have encounter while growing in my process of growing have help me to crave my dream of being a lawyer because someone must stick up and protect those who didn't know as much and are being taken advantage of.