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Muhammed Cannon
Ms. Wu

Summary:  Macbeth is one of the premier basketball players in the NBA.  His teammate Duncan however is the franchise player and is considered the best player in the game.  It is said that if Duncan was to retire or leave the game Macbeth would certainly fill his position as the best, and he would receive all the power and prestige which came along with the position.

Setting:  In Macbeth’s Condominium, Macbeth has a lot of guest over, which included most of the starting line up and some of the coaching staff.
Enter Lady Macbeth filled with anticipation, waiting on her husband Macbeth to come back with the report on his deed.

Lady Macbeth:  I did my part, Macbeth will do his.  I am ready, I feel strong, and I am possessed with a supernatural confidence.  I have made sure my girlfriends took Duncan’s bodyguards out to get drunk at “Club Speed”, I know they will fall asleep at their post.  The rest is up to Macbeth and his ambition.

Macbeth:  Hello, Lady Macbeth are you there.

Lady Macbeth:  Did you do it, is the deed done, did you have the courage to do it right, cause if you didn’t we will go to jail, my dear Macbeth please tell me that the deed is done, and that you did it right.

Macbeth:  The deed is done.  I don’t understand how you didn’t hear it.

Lady Macbeth:  Well what’s done is done, Macbeth why do you look worried this is what I, I mean we wanted. Now you’ll be the man.  You haven’t done a bad thing you deserve the 40 million dollar contracts, the sneaker endorsements and all the prestige that comes with being top man.  Macbeth clean yourself, you have blood all over you, clean yourself , My Macbeth is that the Bodyguards! Macbeth are you crazy take the gun back there right now, their fingerprints need to be on the gun, Macbeth go back hurry

Macbeth:   No I cant go back and look at what I’ve done.

Lady Macbeth:  Macbeth I know your not scared please tell me your not we have to make sure we don’t get caught. (pauses for Macbeth to answer he doesn’t)  Forget it I’ll do it, I’ll be right back.

Macbeth: I cant believe I did this, he was my friend It wasn’t necessary now I am guilty of a murder that didn’t have to be a murder which shouldn’t have been.

Lady Macbeth:  Both of our hand have blood on them, let us go wash and then put on our nightclothes and wait for the fruits of our labor, we did every part of our plan it complete when the murder is discovered the bodyguards will have to take the fall.

Macbeth:  Look what I have done, I have to try to forget about this night and this deed.