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My Recomondation for the two Best Colleges


In searchin for a college, many things have to be considered.  For one figuring out what you want to study is probably the nost obvious, but there are other less obviuos, but equally imortant choices you have to make.  For instance do you plan on leaveing home, would you feel more comforatable in a big school or little school, do you want to be a full or part time student.  These are just a couple of the many questions you will have to answer when chooseing a college.  The answers to these questions will vary, So in chosing a college be sure not to go soley on someone else's reconmondation.

Personally I like big cities, I like envoronments with a lot of people around, I am really eager to get out from under my parents and venture on my own.  So with all of that said, to me there are two ideal colleges.  Clark Atlanta University, and the University of Virgnia.  Both collegs are locted in fast paced places that can at least come close to the speed Im used to living in New York.  Both have alot of Students from many different background.  Neither school is really that expensive and they both had terrific academic programs.

In Clark Atlanta