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:: SETTING- time and place: time of executition and war.

::MOOD- of fight and anger for war

::THEME- line 26 also the act of the witches.

:: WHAT WORDS IN SCENE i INDICATE THE MOOD OF THE PLAY? Unseamed him from the have to the chops and fixed his head upon our battlements.  A way of anger in time of war and execution to a traitor in the war.


JOURNAL: What is your understanding of the reputation  and character? Reputation is what is seen through the society and the people that you are through you actions and the way your image is shown.  Character is what your are describe as what you say and what you are identified by a certain person.  that knows you and describes you well.  Just like a student is a certain way at school but at home it is him or herself that act hoe it is .


JOURNAL: how does character influence one's reaction to a promise of power?  When we as human are declare a power to something no matter what it is it is like if we grow to be something else we feel more confident and bigger.  Probably greater than others.  Also would probably act very proud or  make the other person feel less or worse than other.

ASSIGNMENT- Write a reflection journal- My first impression on Macbeth and banquo.
    My first impression  is that Macbeth wants to be great and he doesn't care wom says anything against him and the profecy.  He also is like a person when given power, that thinks that he is the greatest and no one can go over him.  He also acts as if he doesn't care if he has to kill to obtain something he wants.  Just like the throne that is given to Duncan.

    But Duncan is totally different he doesn't belief in profecies and witches.  He thinks that what that Macbeth is a dom man because he believes in anything that predicts him some good.  He is also a person that looks better to be keeping the throne that will be given to him.


ASSIGNMENT- Write a letter from Banquo's point of view to his wife lady Banquo, and retell the unusual expereince he had that day.


JOURNAL: In your view, what is the wife's role in helping her husband fulfill his ambition?  In many cases a woman acts in a way of persuasive matter to obtain what she wants.  Like in many cases, when the woman is evil.  Just like lady Macbeth.  She persuasive and also says to Macbeth that he says but he doesn't act.  In other word like he he was no a man or a chicken.  I think that in those years the man felt even more powerful over the woman.  I image how he felt from hearing this from a woman that was probably consider to him just a companion.  Lady Macbeth also remind him that what will happen if he would have the throne giving him more ideas to commit such a crime.




JOURNAL: When a wife argues with her husband, what kind of argument she may use to win if she is determined enough? To do as he wishes to persuave him to please him with love to remind him that what he is to her, that he is great to her.  He is seen mighty to her.  And what they can do bothas a team.  Show him that he had power.  Many things that a man wants to persuave him to do what a woman would later on asks, and if she ids not please remind him what she has done for hm, and he has not taken in account.

ASSIGNMENT- Based on Act I, scene 7 IMAGINE yourself Macbeth, and in your Word Processor...(modern Diary)... you write:

Dear Diary;

     What I have commit would leave me out of heaven. My eyes will not be able to look the skys that where blue one morning but after the desaster black as the heart I have the pumps theblood of a murder. But not any kind of murder, the killer of a cousin and friend.  How have become so cruel and selffish.  Why have my hands act as I had wish, My brain has not thought before acting.

    The people will the people see through me that I am the creul and the murder.  Will nature act against me and eat me like a dinner given to offer.  It will swallow me with pleaser for taking away what made it happy Duncan.  What every I touch will it die and bleed just like the blood that travel through my knife and hands as I killed him.  Like a river of water.

    But I couldn't contain myself it might had been the witches.  No I should not blae others.  I 'll be marked my whole life withthe scar of what is not seen through others eyes but my heart reminds me with such a remorse, a MURDERER.

Describe an experience in which you watched a movie based on a book you read previously.

A movie in which I experience many feelings of emotion and toughts, and whereI felt like it was better than the book was "Anna and the King" where the version I read was an old version in which many scenes where different from the movie.  More romance was shown in the movie.  And the descrition of the culture was identify and defined more specifically.  Words where added to the expression of the character.  I can't really remember if a scene in which the daughter of theKing had died, I can't really remmeber if that really happen.  By seen the movie I also felt like if where inside the movie and feel the affection of the movie by seeing what was happen with action and with a character that made a certain act that had an effect on me.

A movie my class and I have seen is the "Macbeth" in the new version of the movie many things were cut and changed and others where like described the same way as the book where feelings where changed also understanding.


My understanding of Macbeth his own character is that he is not strong with out the help of another person.  He is not the type of  person that will go through obstacles to find his way.  I say this because he share his thought with his lady, for her to give him a thought or idea.  I love the character of Lady Macbeth because she is persistant and she does not care what to do to obtain that royalty.  She also looks like a supersition person like Macbeth, eventhoguh his case is of a pewrson that believes in witches.  To me she resembles Macbeths left hand that orders him in the future what to do.

Think of a situation where a
husband has to keep a secret what
he does and when he leaves, he can
not tell his family where he will be
and he promises he is not doing
anything wrong to his family.

    An example of this is when a husband  is a Police Officer and he cannot tell his family what he is going to do and where he will be at.  Because this is a very important investigation the husband has promise that he will not tellno one because this could put in danger his family and love one.  Suspect could also be around and they could be in watch were anything they say could make them be in danger like in some movies where a secret casnnot be told because if not the plan is already broken.

Respond in your journal to
the following scenario-
If you were asked to join in a deed
by your friend, and all you had to
do was to be quite and move along,
in return, you were promised a
great profit, how would you respond
to such an offer?

    If I were to join a certain deed which it were to be quite of a action that will be committed.   If it were to be something against someone that would  be important to me I would not keep my lips hidden and shut.  Instead I would do the opposite, speak as long as I am heard.  But if it were no to do any effect to me or any important person to me.  It would not matter because many things in life happen and we cannot do anything about it so way because we are told we should prevent.  We are here all for a reason and if this were to be it, let it be.  I might be cruel, but because in life I have learned that no one cares for no one just what is given to one another for an interest to obtain a goal or matter.  I should care for myself because I am the one that has to find the way to follow the road
Quotations Commentary
 M:" If you shall cleave to my 
consent, when 'tis, 
    It shall make honor for you."
That he will meet with the witches but he will be not blamed of meeting with them.  Event though he will compact in which his feelings which his feelings will be known.  But it is something not to be shamed of.-
 B:"So I lose none 
    In seeking to augment it, but still keep 
    My bosom franchised and allegiance clear, 
    I shall be counseled."
That they will honor him by telling him the honors given is he will separate time to meet with them.  But only if he follows his consent or wish.
 Be the dagger that Macbeth
     wears. Retell the story before,
     during and after the murder of
     Duncan. Make sure in your
     story, include what you have
     witnessed: Banquo's part,
     Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's
     parts in the murder of Duncan.
     Don't forget you were not used
     to do any killing but some
     other scapegoat daggers. Since
     you are always with Macbeth
     and attached to his side, you
     know how he feels and what
     secret thoughts might go
     through his mind.

I the dagger have seen what I can't believe it is like a dream could it be true.  The people are crying and talking about Sir Duncan's death.  Whose daggers Master has probably used to kill.  My master is worried because he had thought about doing this before spreading the blood to sleep Duncan to never awake.  He cannot belief what has happen.  But i was on him.  Whom did it he did not used me I did not penetrate in duncan's body by the force my master Macbeth.  Just as i heard people say all of what is said I also see nature dying just like my master had said to lady Macbeth like if the owl cried and the Cricket screaming.  But why is it that these thoughts have made us guilty is it just like Lady Macbeth has said that it is just a sleep that i have to wash away because it probably is something that will make me lose my mind.  I shall awake.  Just like I have seen that I am not guilty I am ot the accused one because it is just a dream.  An imagination.  But i wish they would go way because I cannot longer rest because my master awakes every night without sleep.  Like if it were a wolf watching us and i should be used like what is my purpose a killer of a goat, a blood shredder of a goat's life.

Enact the scene when
     Macbeth comes back from the
     murder scene to where they
     hear the knock and pretend to
     go to bed.

At bed Macbeth has made belief that he has been slept and won't hear the knocking because of the drinking as said by the porters.

But he worries and he panic just like before when the occasion .  it where like if he was seen by those whom where supposed to be drunk.  But he think as if he was said that he was accused.  That he should sleep like he had done for ever and not awake no longer.  But as if Lady Macbeth tells him that is wasn't true what he had seen or thought that was just an illusion that he should just go and was his face but it is as if he said that every action he will be see and that will occur would be those facts just like when he thought that by washing his hand in the water would become just like the blood he let drop to kill.  He felt as he was watched or as if he was chase constantly but there will be time in which he will be caught when he will or he will be contain to see.

Write a news broadcast for a
     "late-breaking story from
     Inverness Castle". Interview
     Macduff, Macbeth, Lady
     Macbeth, or the porter.

-Good Morning Gentleman

-Good morning Lady News Broadcaster

-Sir What were you named?

-I Sir Macduff..

-Have you been said that your King Duncan has been killed?

-Yes Madam, killed but not known the killer but suspect was not even thought to have.   it have brought the whole nature?

-How Sir Macbuff, How has nature been affected?

-by no longer rain, trees die and leave and grass turn dark like the night like if death was given.  The birds no longer since but cry because the land has lost a great man.  Duncan.

-How was he a great man?

-He was because he cared for all.  He was a man that wanted the best for all.  He was the ideal king to be.

-(Next man standing with a Lady to be his.) And you sir whom are you, whom is that Lady?

_ I am Macbeth and this is my Lady to be lady Macbeth

-And do you also feel the pain Sir Macbuff feels of what he says a great man/

-Yes he is great, he was great a friend to me a man that I shared time with.  But honor must be given for he could not be forgotten.  Because we all wish that whom will be king will be a little great.  Because we all know that their will not be as great as him.

-But does anyone know how he was found/

-(Lady Macbeth) the man that speaks says that he was to be watched by solider that night that were to protect him but when i was there sharing, all drank that would probably not in their own minds.  they keeped or as the night got longer.  I left like others and they say just like the robber that is not known through the night Duncans life was killed.

-(Last word of the Reporter) Today morning reporting the death of whom was a great man that could not be forgotten now by the people and nature and will be remembered through the future as one to be.  The best known in history.

1) What mental picture from this act still lingers in your mind?

2)How has Macbeth changed as a result of the events in this act?  Macbeth as seen illusions that are not true but worries of what he thinks that follows him to show that he is the guilty one the murderer of Duncan.  He thinks that he is being seen by the ghost of him.  He cannot rest.  He has gotten crazy or in other words mad.  But not seen thought to be guilty.

4) Can you predict the psychological effects that the murder will have on macbeth and Lady Macbeth?  i think that they will get crazy especially Lady Macbeth that is strong for now but as she associates more with the society she will hear things that will remember her of what had happen and how people are affect of the death of Duncan.  Many things will bring thoughts back......

Write a journal about your understanding of or belief about ghosts.

My belief in ghost is something that a human is scared of and sees a illusion of what they think about.  Just like we don't go to heaven or hell up die.  something not true.  It is just when we think have the memory and the belief of that person that has left his literal body and has obtain a non literal body form.  It is just the wish to seeing that person lost. . . .....

For what reasons does Macbeth want Banquo murdered?    Because he felt that when you need to cover just his crime committed the only solution is death.  Specially when a murderer feels that he should not trust anyone.  The murderer feels that everyone  is against him and as many as he has to get rid of to have a solution to cover up what he has done to not be expose and caught.

What are the major fears that macbeth has about Banquo?

macbeth majors fear is that Banquo will tell the town that he is the one that committed the murder of Duncan.  The town will be inform of what he has done.  And how he made himself seen as not the killer but the one that felt thge murder as a lost of a great king.

4.List words or phrases that represent her feelings for her husband, Macduff.

He had none:
    His flight was madness: when our actions do not,
    Our fears do make us traitors.

Wisdom! to leave his wife, to leave his babes,
    His mansion and his titles in a place
    From whence himself does fly? He loves us not;

Father'd he is, and yet he's fatherless.

5. Use your own words to rephrase how her son feels towards his father, Macduff.

He does not:
  He left like if he had not let nothing behind:  With out us doing anything to him, We are so afraid of what could happen to us that we do not care what will happen to him , just to save ourselves.

That was not smart!  to leave his wife and his children,
  leave everything behind his place, his title.  He does not have any love for us.

He is a father but he does not do the job of being the father.

II. Modernize the conversation between Lady Macduff and her son.

LADY MACDUFF    Sirrah, your father's dead;     (my son your father is dead; How will we survive noW?   And what will you do now? How will you live?

Son    As birds do, mother.

LADY MACDUFF    What, with worms and flies?

Son    With what I get, I mean; and so do they.

LADY MACDUFF    Poor bird! thou'ldst never fear the net nor lime,
    The pitfall nor the gin.

Son    Why should I, mother? Poor birds they are not set for.
    My father is not dead, for all your saying.

LADY MACDUFF    Yes, he is dead; how wilt thou do for a father?

Son    Nay, how will you do for a husband?

LADY MACDUFF    Why, I can buy me twenty at any market.

Son    Then you'll buy 'em to sell again.

LADY MACDUFF    Thou speak'st with all thy wit: and yet, i' faith,
    With wit enough for thee.

Son    Was my father a traitor, mother?

LADY MACDUFF    Ay, that he was.

Son    What is a traitor?

LADY MACDUFF    Why, one that swears and lies.

Son    And be all traitors that do so?

LADY MACDUFF    Every one that does so is a traitor, and must be hanged.

Son    And must they all be hanged that swear and lie?

LADY MACDUFF    Every one.

Son    Who must hang them?

LADY MACDUFF    Why, the honest men.

Son    Then the liars and swearers are fools,
    for there are liars and swearers enow to beat
    the honest men and hang up them.

LADY MACDUFF    Now, God help thee, poor monkey!
    But how wilt thou do for a father?

Son    If he were dead, you'ld weep for
    him: if you would not, it were a good sign
    that I should quickly have a new father.

LADY MACDUFF    Poor prattler, how thou talk'st!

Modernize the conversation

Sirrah, my son your father has died: What could you do know that he is not here for us?  How will you survive?

Like the birds survive mother, by what they find.

What do you mean by worms and what ever you find, like flies?

By what I find and what we all could find to survive.

I feel sad to hear this from you ! you won't survive you poor bird!

Why should I do such thing mother?  Because we are poor birds that have not path to follow.  My Father is not dead mother,  What you have said is not true?

My son he is dead:  I have not faith in your father?

My mother how could you live with out a husband?

well I could buy many like your father?   I could by twenty in a market.

Meaning mother that it would be to sell them all over because he is not dead.

I speak with all the anger and with all I now; and yet I have faith,  With all that I know of him.

My mother do you say my father was a traitor?

Yes I do my son?

In your form what is a traitor mother?

A traitor is my son, when one swears and then they don't keep the promise but lie.

Are all the traitor like this to you mother/

Every one that does this is a traitor,  and their punishment will be to be hang.

Who will do this job of punishment?

Well the honest man?

then the liars and the swears are the fool ones,  For if they are traitors they must be hanged by the honest.

My God help your father the monkey that might be hang!  But what can we do for your father?

If they were to kill him would you cry for him:  If you would not cry for father,  Probably you will get a new father.

Poor son you don't understand by the way you talk I could see this.


Imagine yourself to be Lady Macduff. Write a monologue that expresses your feelings towards your husband and your worries about your family.

  I Lady Macduff am worried of what will happen to my family because we have stay with out anything that will help us survive.  My husband was not the father that he should had been.  He left us with out no support.  Like if he had not left anything behind.    My son won't understand, what his father has done to us we are now like the family that has no title of a father.  What will I be doing living of what the ground grows when before I had everything in my hands.  I still can't understand what to do.

•Imagine you were the director , how would you use the modern equipment available to create effectively the mood of the scene?  If I were to be a director I would use modern equipment to make visual effects in some scenes.
     I would make Lady Macduff look with out jewelry to look like she has started to be poor.  Also make  the town look very dead like sad because the town is still suffering the death of Duncan. In the days of bad news look very thunder type like rainy days.

Think of a situation where a husband has to keep a secret what he does and when he leaves, he can not tell his family where he will be and he promises he is not doing anything wrong to his family.

 A situation in which I would use as a example would be that a father promises his family that he will get a job to help them have a better living but he keep on  having his addictions like alcohol , he can't stay in a job because of this problem in which he will not look for help.  His family are suffering and don't believe in anything that he says because they think that he is a liar.  That he doesn't care about them.