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Creative Piece

Juana Gomez
141 Wilson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237

 Many people come to this country for a better future for their young one, like it is the example of many of us.  To go over this border most of our parents or ancient ones have the need of working in a places of poor condition or in places they had never imaged that they had spent most of their young days, studying for and preparing themselves for.

  Just like the case of a women I know whom had spent most of her young days preparing herself for a college degree in medicine, until she met the man whom gave her, her first child.  Also the one who convinced her to come to this land which she new nothing about it just that it’s name was New York and that this was called the place of opportunities.  When she came to this strange land she learn what it was to work in bad condition, in a Grocery Store that spent most of it time open, located in the worst neighborhood.  She learned how it was to sleep with worry that she was save.  Because here was where she learned what is was drugs to the ones around her.  A every day vitamin.  She didn’t know what she would do in this new place.  She decided to just help her husband in any help he needed.  Until one day she got tried of the problems they were having economically and the life her husband what having.  Her life changed an absolute 360 degree change.  Until one day came when she felt destroyed.  When her husband said that he could not be any longer with her.  She felt that she didn’t have any one around her to support her.  That she was all along on earth.  Because she was in a strange Land that talked with a different language and which did everything different from what she had learned.  She suffered a long time until one day that she was close to killing herself, she decided to glance at everything around her before she left this horrible land that had brought her the worst experience in life.  She looked at her youngest and third child sleeping and not knowing what surrounded him.  She decided to challenge life.  She grew her spirit of life.  This was something that was taught to her when she was a child to be strong and work with the sweat of her forehead.  Because recompense would then be given.  She suffered many things, until she was left in a time of her life alone with out the help of no noble hand.  in which her cries would not lead to the path of help.  Instead of worries.

 During this time of not know much of what to do, she remember what her grandmother had said “Don’t walk in front of me because I may not follow, don’t walk behind me because I may not lead, but walk beside me because we may reach together”  She said to herself I have my children right beside me and I need to succeed for us not for one but for al.  She went around her community explaining to some of her neighbors the problem she was having.  Until someone recommended her study at a community college.  Until she ended studying at Boricua College.  At the same time improving her economic standard and teaching her children that everything in life needs sacrifice.  Which she did and now is a great example to does around her and her children after graduating on 1996.and a couple of time of not finding the job she wished but now soon to start working in a Staten Island Hospital for therapy Assistant.  She said that she felt that she should not be like many that depended on others but herself, after suffereing she grew the spirit of hope.

139 Wilson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11237

 Many others have lived a successful life, while others have suffered in life.  While at the same time they blame this country.  Just like the person I am going to describe now.

 She was born in Italy, brought to this country as a young child.  Lived a life of only seeing her mother only in the morning when she would awake them to go to school.  Because she couldn’t walked them to school.  Got married at a young age during her teens had her first child which she loved as a precious jewel.  Until she was ripped from her hands by her father and never given back.  Because her mother was affair to report it to the court.

Her child was taught that her mother was mean and crazy.

 During this time her mother was taken to therapy and consider as a person with the need of therapy.  Ending in crazy because of to many over doses to try to suicide herself.  When she way recovering she wished for her daughter to she her while the daughter gave her the visit and response of not caring and having her mother by learning from lies, her mother got worsted because she was then robbed and attempt of rape.  When recovering ending in crazy problem till the day of today.