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Patricia Rodriguez

Final Exam for E7TP

Part II

Macbeth Act I

    Many things in life cause us to do a action against something.  Just like something that lead Macbeth to murder Duncan.

    Macbeth consider himself a man just like many man in the past.  They could not even have a women as a friend.  But Macbeth wanted to be the king and get the throne in his hands.  It could not be possible because it belonged to Duncan his cousin and friend.  Lady Macbeth was one of the character that wanted macbeth to consider him as no longer a friend but a target to kill.  She had told him that it was the only way possible to get that throne to him.  Macbeth was taking to long to take the decision of killing Duncan.  During one of the arguments between lady Macbeth and Macbeth that was when the decision of Macbeth killing Duncan increase, it started when Lady Macbeth said in her words that he was a cowered because he did not have the strength to kill Duncan.  This man Macbeth man but it also gave him strength to feel that he could do it, that he was what he is Macbeth a man.

    Sometimes the pressure of others can cause us to do certain actions that are against our own will, just like Macbeth.  He wanted the throne but he did not want it by spreading the blood of Duncan.

Macbeth Act II

    When we sometimes commit a crime or a fault we sometimes get nervous and worried.  We panic and don't know what do.  It is like if everything is going wrong.  Just the ways like Macbeth felt after he committed the murder of Duncan.

    When Macbeth had killed Duncan he started to panic and not think right.  It was like if he felt that he was going to get caught.  When the soilder came to his door and said to him to open the door he even felt like if he said what sold I do to Lady Macbeth.  He was like thinking that he was going to get caught.  But at the same time it was like if he wanted to blame Lady Macbeth for what he had done. He also want her support. The town even could not stop mentioning Duncan and how he was great.  Remembering all the things he did and what great king he would be. It was like if everyone wanted to blame Macbeth by saying what they were by remembering Duncan.  The nature was die the trees were no longer how they were bright but now they where dark like the death.

    When someone dies everything is effected especially the society.