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          By: William Shakespeare

Act I

Scene I

Aim: How does Shakespeare develop the setting, themes and supernatural mood in I, i of Macbeth?

Setting- time and place
    - A wild and lonely place in medieval Scotland, (Thundering and lightning.)
    - Eerily feeling
    - Disaster lies ahead for Mabceth
 What words in scene i indicate the mood of the play?
    The words in scene one that indicate the mood of the play are: killing swine, Drain him dry as hay,
 Which line reveals the theme?
    The line that reveals the theme is line twevele

Scene II

Aim: What is Macbeth's reputation?

Journal Writing #1

What's your understanding of reputation and character?

    My understanding of reputation and character is that reputation is what one's peers sees his or hers ranking in the group.  One may be more admired and respected than another may.  Character is how a person carries him or herself and how they act.
    Someone’s character can have alot to do with his or hers reputation.  There character can have alot to do with his or hers reputation because if that someone carries himself in a way that everyone respects and looks up to him or her.

Learning Activities:

Listen to the recording of scene 2 and seek the expressions that depict Macbeth's reputations. How is Macbeth described for his action in the battlefield?
    Macbeth is described for his actions on the battlefield as a courageous warrior and brave.

 Make a list of such words and phrases.
    Expressions other characters have used to refer to Macbeth's reputation are:
            -Brandish steel

 In lines 39" As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion", what animals is Macbeth compared to? Why?
    In line 39 “As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion”, Macbeth is being compared to the rabbit and the sparrow because he was stronger than the enemy "..the hare the lion"

Scene III

Aim: How doe Macbeth and Banquo react to the witches' prophecies respectively?

Journal Writing #2

How does character influence one's reaction to a promise of power?

    Character influence one's reaction to a promise of power because if one has a desire to do something and make something of him or herself they are the one who sets their goals and their personality to become what they want to do.

Learning Activities:

 Make a list of words or expressions that describe the witches' appearance.
- In lines 44-50 Banquo remarks that they look like women, but he won't call them women, because they have beards.

What are the three prophecies that the witches’ promise Macbeth? Banquo?

The witches hail Macbeth as "Thane of Glamis," "Thane of Cawdor and "King hereafter." Banquo as the father of future kings.  These are the prophecies that the witches’ promise Macbeth and Banquo.

 Pick 2-4 lines from line 54-65 that explain Banquos' reaction to the prophecy

Banquo begin to deny what they have seen. Banquo speculates that the witches were illusory, "bubbles" of the earth.

 In line 81, why does Banquo compare the witches to "bubbles"?

What news has Ross brought to Banquo immediately after the witches' prophecies? Why is the interlude important to the development of the play?

Ross and Angus deliver the news that's not news to us: The traitorous Thane of Cawdor is to be executed, and Macbeth is to be given his title. What is interesting is how Macbeth turns this unsurprising news into a sign that he is destined to be king.

 In Macbeth's first aside in lines 140-155, identify expressions or lines that indicate his true reaction to the Witches’ prophecies. Use the following double-entry journal format to respond.
Yours Commentary
i.e. The supernatural so soliciting can not be ill..(line 144).  M seems to believe there is no evil intention in the witches prophecies
i.e. “If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, Without my stir.  M remarks to himself that if the witches' prophecies are right, he won't have to do a thing to become king.  If he is to be King.
i.e. "Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day" ( lines 171-172)  M which is a saying "nothing lasts forever.

Scene IV

Aim: To continue the discussion of how the witches' prophecies affect Macbeth and Banquo.

Learning Activities:

 What is ironic about Ducan’s comment on former Thane of Cawdor,
“ There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face!
He was a gentleman on whom I built
An absolute trust”

Duncan’s comment on former Thane of Cawdor is ironic because he is saying that there was no hint of what his mind was thinking and plotting when he attacked Duncan. What is so ironic is that he has no idea what is going on in Macbeth’s head and that Macbeth is planning to murder him to become King.

  What did Duncan give to Macbeth as reward for his bravery?  To Banquo?

Duncan rewards Macbeth by making Thane of Cawdor and telling him that he will be visiting at Inverness at Macbeth’s castle.  Duncan thanks Banquo by hugging him and tells him that he will hold him in his heart.

 What announcement did Duncan make in this scene?  Why are they crucial to the development of the play?

Duncan now announces that his oldest son, Malcolm, is heir to throne, and has therefore been given the title of Prince of Cumberland. And then tells Macbeth that he is coming to visit him at Inverness, Macbeth’s castle.  This is crucial to the development of the play because now Macbeth can go threw with his plan to kill Duncan and his son so he can become King.

 Use double entry journal to respond to Macbeth’s aside (lines 55-60).
Quotations  Your Commentary
    The prince of Cumberland! That is
A step
   On which I must fall down, or
Else o’erleap
   For in my way it lies.  Stars, hide
Your fines;
   Let not light see my black and
Deep desires:
  The eye wink at the hand; yet let
That be
  Which the eye fears, when it is
Done, to see
M is saying that Malcolm, too, is now between him and the throne. Which is something that he has to deal with if he wants to become King.  So now for M to become King he must murder both Duncan and Malcolm. He wants the stars to go out, so that no one can see what it is he wants, not even himself. His own eye should "wink," that is, blind itself to what his own hand wants to do. "Let that be" he says, because he wants the thing done, even if afterwards, "when it is done," his own eye would be afraid to look at what his hand had done.

Scene V

Aim:  What kind of man is Macbeth based on Lady Macbeth’s comments on her husband?  What character is Lady Macbeth?

Journal Writing:

In your view, what is the wife’s role in helping her husband fulfil his ambition?

 In my view a wife’s role in helping her fulfil his ambition is to stand beside him and make sure he makes the right decisions.  A wife is also to back up her husband no matter what.  A wife should be his right hand.

Learning Activities:

What kind of relationship is there between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as indicated in the letter he wrote to Lady Macbeth?

    The kind of relationship that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as indicated in the letter he wrote to Lady Macbeth is an open relationship.  Macbeth sees his wife as his partner.  In love, greatness, and success.  Macbeth loves her very much and promises her the world.  Macbeth feels that he can tell her anything and she would understand him and what he is feeling.

 In Lady Macbeth’s monologue expressing her opinions on Macbeth, and try to select expressions that depict Macbeth, then break them down and put in your double entry journal to respond
Your Commentary
1. It is too full
 O’th’ milk of
Catch the
Nearest way 
M is too soft a person pure
And in firm which will not
Help him make shortcut
In fulfilling his dreams.
2. thou wouldst
be great;
   Art not
Ambition, but
  The illness
Should attend
Lady Macbeth seems to share the witches' views on good and bad.  She believes that ambition comes with something bad.  To get what you want you have to do bad before you get it.
3. What thou
Wouldst highly,
   That wouldst
Thou holily;
Wouldst not
Play false,
  And yet
Wrongly him 
In her view, he's something of a coward, because he has that within him that tells him what he must do if he is to have the throne, but he's afraid to do it.
4. Thus than
Must do, if thou
Have it;
And that which rather
Thou dost fear
To do
    Than wishest
Should be
Here Lady Macbeth is saying that you have to do what you must to get what you want.

What does Lady Macbeth decide to do based on the lines
          “ I may puor my spirits in thine ear;
      And chastise with the valour of
   My tongue
              All that impedes thee form the
           Golden round
             Which fate and metaphysical and
          Doth seem
            To have thee crowned withal.”
Lady Macbeth decides to take things into her own hands and make Macbeth King.

 What is the symbolic meaning of “raven” (line 45)?

The symbolic meaning of “raven” is a bird symbolizing evil and misfortune, was suppose to indicate an approaching death.

 Use double entry journal to respond:
Your Commentary
1. Come, you 
    That tend on
 Lady Macbeth is praying to the evil Gods and she wants them to help her.
2. unsex me
   here Lady Macbeth is asking the Gods to rid her of feminine weakness.  To make her inhuman for what she is asking for the power to do.
 To make her inhuman for what she is asking for the power to do.
3. fill me from
  the crown to the
 toe-top full
    Of direst
She wants them to fill her with nothing but cruelty and not guilt for what she is about to do.
4.  Make thick my blood  Give her courage to kill Duncan.
5. Stop up the
Access and the
Passage to
Take away all her guilt and the thoughts that will make her think a second time before she murders Duncan.
6. That no
Visitings of 
   Shake my fell
Purpose, nor
Keep peace,
  The effect 
And it!
 She is asking the Gods to block out all guilt.  She doesn’t want her conscience to get in the way of her murderous plan.
7. Come to my 
    And take my milk for gall,
Your murdering ministers,
Here she is saying that she wants the Gods to take her milk and make it poisonous
 How did Lady Macbeth greet her husband?

Lady Macbeth greets her husband echoing the witches’ prophecies.

 When Mabeth told Lady Macbeth that Duncan came to visit that same night, how did the Lady Macbeth react to the news?

When Macbeth told Lady Macbeth that Duncan came to visit that night her reaction to the news was that Duncan would not see the sun again.  Meaning that he will die that night while he was asleep.

 What did she advise Macbeth to do?

Lady Macbeth advised Macbeth to act as though the innocent person and not lead on to any suspicion because his face can be read and all will know that he was guilty.

Scene VI

Aim: Why is this scene a good example of irony-dramatic and verbal?

Learning Activities:

 What does Banquo reveal about his character in his observations about the nesting habits of birds?

The nests that are hanging ("pendant") high on the castle walls are the beds of the birds, the place ("procreant cradle") where they make love and produce chicks and keep their chicks safe. Thus, on the outside of the castle, everything looks homey and cozy, but inside the castle, Duncan will be murdered.

Do you consider it strange that Lady Macbeth greets the King alone?  Although it is not mentioned in the scene, but what do you think is the reason that Lady Macbeth gives Duncan to excuse his absence?

No, I do not consider it strange that Lady Macbeth greets the King alone.  The excuse Lady Macbeth would of given Duncan to excuse Macbeth’s absence is that Macbeth is very exhausted and needed to rest so she sent him to his chambers to soak in a hot bath to refresh himself for his company.

Scene VII

Aim: What is the conflict that Macbeth experiences before the murder of Duncan?  How does Lady Macbeth persuade Macbeth to do what she wishes?

Journal Writing:

When a wife argues with her husband, what kind of argument she may use to win if she is determined enough?

When a wife argues with her husband the kind of argument she may use to win if she if determined enough is she would question her husbands manhood and his love for her.

Act II


1. Repose- a state of resting after exertion or strain.
2. Franchise- the right to be and exercise the powers of a corporation.
3. Husbandry- the care of a household.
4. Largess- liberal giving to or as if to an inferior.
5. Cleave- to adhere firmly and closely of loyally and unwaveringly.
6. Augment- to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense.
7. Allegiance- the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord.
8. Counsel- advice given especially as a result of consultation.
9. Ravishing- unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking.
10. Alarum- a signal (as a loud noise or flashing light) that warns or alerts.
11. Suit-  recourse or appeal to a feudal superior for justice or redress.
12. Posset- a hot drink of sweetened and spiced milk curdled with ale or wine.
13. Confound- to bring to ruin, to put to shame.
14. Raveled Sleave- <sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care -- Shakespeare>.
15. Unbend-  to free from flexure : make or allow to become straight <unbend a bow>
16.  Gild- to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold.
17.  Constancy-  steadfastness of mind under duress.
18.  Equivocator- to avoid committing oneself in what one says.
19.  Carousing- to take part in a carouse : engage in dissolute behavior.
20.  Lechery- inordinate indulgence in sexual activity.
21.  Parley- a conference for discussion of points in dispute; a conference with an enemy.
22.Countenance- calm expression.

Scene 1&2


 If you were asked to join in a deed by your friend, and all you had to do was be quiet and move along, in return, you were promised a great profit, how would you respond to such an offer?

 If I was asked to join in a deed by my friend, and all I had to do was be quiet and move along, and was promised a great profit, I would probably be suspicious and not want to be involved and not do my friend this favor.  The only way I would help this friend is if this friend of mine is a very good and loyal friend and he or she is in trouble.  Even than I would be suspicious and cautious with wither or not I would help him or her.
M: “ If you cleave
To my consent,
When ‘tis/ It
Shall make honor
For you.”
Macbeth asked Banquo for his support, promising honors in return
B: “ So I lose
None/ In seeking
To argument it, 
But still keep/
My bosom
Franchised and
Clear, / I shall be
Banquo is willing to help his honor provided he can keep a clear conscience and remain loyal to the king. 

Macbeth's Reactions  Lady M's Reactions
M is ashamed that he had to kill Duncan.  Lady M is afraid of the sound of M voice after he murdered Duncan. 
M regrets having to kill Duncan to be crowned King and knows there could of been another way without having to murder Duncan Lady M is disgusted with her husband M because he was careless and brought the murder weapon to their chambers.
M was losing his mind and everything was an illusion to him.  Lady M is in shock after everyone sees that Duncan is dead.



Scene 4

Do Now: Write a journal about your understanding of or belief about ghosts.

 My understanding about ghost is that I believe ghost have unfinished business. They come back to solve their problem or to tell some one something ghost are a sign that they need help and that's why they hang around because they need help and want someone to help them.   Believing in ghost is a link to the other side.

Act IV


1. Venom: the poisonous liquid in the bile or sting of a snake
2. Blaspheming: to swear or curse using the name of god
3. Commend: to praise or recommend
4. Conjure: to make something appear suddenly or unexpectedly, as if by, magic
5. Confound: destroy
6. Topple: to move from side to side and fall
7. Apparition: a ghost or an image of a person who is dead
8. Harp: a large upright musical instrument with strings stretched on a frame. Played with fingers
9. Sovereignty: fully independent and with complete freedom to govern itself
10. Chafe: to become irritated or impatient
11. Vanquish: to defeat an opponent, to overcome
12. Sear: to burn a surface
13. Pernicious: having a very harmful effect on something in a gradual way

Act 4, Scene 1: Imagine you were the director, how would you use the modern day equipment available to create effectively the mood of the scene?

In this scene Macbeth confronts the three witches as they prepare their spells, Macbeth is presented with a series of apparitions each telling of his future.
If i was the director to open this scene I would make the stage very dark with misty smoke covering the stage and the three witches with there cauldron looking into the cauldron with one of the witches while the other two chant in an unknown language.  Meanwhile while all this is going on to set the mood there will be the sound of thunder and the winds blowing.

Before the first apparition appears, thunder and lightning occurs. Suddenly a light shines on the helmeted man. He tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff, smoke surrounding him, and vanishes into thin air.   The second apparition The second apparition appears, the red lights flicker rapidly. Spotlight shines on the floor where bloody footsteps can be seen. Wails are heard and a bloody child comes out onto the stage. He warns Macbeth as the apparition before had done and flies into darkness. The third apparition is a child crowned with a tree in his hand. He slowly descends from the top of the stage and speaks in a very low, calm voice.

 Scene 2

1. When did Macduff first show lack of support for Macbeth? What has he done since to provoke Macbeth further?
 Macduff first showed lack of support for Macbeth when he failed to show up at the coronation ceremony for Macbeth in accepting the throne. He also showed lack of support towards Macbeth when
He never showed up at the banquet that Macbeth held for the lords.

2. How has Macbeth resolved to take actions against him?
 Macbeth resolved to take actions against Macduff by sending to men to Macduff’s home and kill his family.  Macbeth did this to provoke him to fight him.

3. Why is Ross present at Macduff's castle? How does his appearance here show a weakening of Macbeth's position?
 Ross is present at Macduff’s castle to inform Lady Macduff of Macbeth’s plans to murder her and her family and advises her to flee with her son.  Ross also tells Lady Macduff not to worry about Macduff because he is ok and that he is not in danger.

4.List words or phrases that represent her feelings for her husband, Macduff.
Words and phrases that represent Lady Macduff’s feelings for her husband are:
 Our fears do make us traitors.
Father'd he is, and yet he's fatherless.

5. Use your own words to rephrase how her son feels towards his father, Macduff.
               Mcduff’s son loves him very much but can never really show his father just exactly how much he loved him because he always felt that his father expected and want to much from him and as much as he tried to me his fathers expectations of him he never felt he could.
6. Explain who the stranger might be who came to warn Lady Macduff to flee. Who could have sent him?
 The stranger might that might have came to warn Lady Macduff to flee was sent by Lady Macbeth because she knew what Macbeth was doing was wrong and she didn’t want another death hanging over her head.


Act V


1. Slumbery- heavy with sleep; marked by or suggestive of a state of sleep or lethargy.
2. Murky- characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke.
3. Mortify- to subject to severe and vexing embarrassment.
4. Upbraid- to criticize severely: find fault with; to reproach severely: scold vehemently.
5. Breach- infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard.
6. Purge- to clear of guilt, to free from moral or ceremonial defilement.
7. Epicure- one devoted to sensual pleasure.
8. Whey- a person having a pale face.
9. Perilous- full of or involving peril: HAZARDOUS.
10. Pristine- belonging to the earliest period or state.
11. Purgative- purging or tending to purge.
12. Rhubarb- a heated dispute or controversy.
13. Constrain- to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation.
14. Speculative- marked by questioning curiosity.
15. Arbitrate- to submit or refer for decision to an arbiter.
16. Siege- a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender.
17. Dismal- showing or causing gloom or depression.
18. Cling- to hold together, to adhere as if glued firmly, to hold or hold on tightly or tenaciously.
19. Tarry- to delay or be tardy in acting or doing, to linger in expectation.
20. Equivocation- to avoid committing oneself in what one says.
21. Avouch- to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved.
22. Harbinger- one that pioneers in or initiates a major change.
23. Stake- a pointed piece of wood or other material driven or to be driven into the ground as a marker or support.
24. Abhorred- to regard with extreme repugnance.
25. Brandish- to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner.
26. Intrechant- one that intrigues.
27.Sheath- any of various covering or supporting structures that are applied likes or resembles in appearance or functions the sheath of a blade.
28.Fiend- a person of great wickedness or miscellaneous.
29.Prowess- distinguished bravery.

Do Now: Write a journal about your understanding of or belief about ghosts.

 My understanding about ghost is that I believe ghost have unfinished business. They come back to solve their problem or to tell some one something ghost are a sign that they need help and that's why they hang around because they need help and want someone to help them.   Believing in ghost is a link to the other side.

Act V, Scene 1
    The gentlewoman who cares for lady Macbeth has summoned a doctor, but in two nights the reported symptoms of waking up writing something have not occurred.  The doctor says it is a disturbance of nature for her to do such things while appearing to sleep.  The gentlewoman will not repeat anything Lady Macbeth has said for she is unsure, but then Lady Macbeth appears, carrying a light.  Lady Macbeth acts as if washing her hands, seeing a spot of blood.  She questions why her husband should be scared, but complains still of the blood that was shed.  She is wracked with guilty that troubles her as the two observe.  The doctor says she needs the hepl of god, not a doctor for her troubles.

Act V, Scene 2
    The English forces with the Scottish thanes are near, Menteith reports.  The revenge they seek is a strong enough cause to raise the dead and wounded.;  Angus says they will meet at Burnham wood, and Caithness asks if Donalbain is coming.  Lennox explains he has a list of everyone, including boys ready to show their manhood in their first battle, and Donalbain is not on the list.  Caithness explains that Macbeth is strenghting his castle, and is acting crazy, unable to rule.  Angus explains these are the consequences of the murder; people don't willingly follow him and his title means little.  Menteith explains Macbeth is afraid of himself, and Caithness compares Malcolm to doctor, and by working with him they will cure their country by shedding their blood.

Act V, Scene 3
    Macbeth is wondering how the prophecy will come true, and tries to remain confident.  Macbeth upraises his servant for seeming afraid, but is told of the English forces.  Macbeth tells Seyton this revolt will either remove or leave him happy, as right now he has none of things due a man of old age.  Macbeth asks for his armor, planning to defend himself to the end.  Macbeth asks the doctor to cure his wife.  The doctor wishes he weren't there.

Act V, Scene 4
    Malcolm hopes to regain the safety they once had.  Menteith is sure it will happen.  Malcolm tells each soldier to cut down a large branch and put it in front of him, thereby camouflaging himself.  The scouts will think are less of them.  MAcbeth waits in his castle, his only hope of defense.  Though they have hopes of what they want to accomplish, now is the time for actual blows and batle to win.

Act V, Scene 5
    Macbeth says let them come to the castle; he can hold them off.  If they didn't have his soldiers, then he could have met them on the field and beat them back.  Macbeth has forgotten what it is like to be afraid;  having as much fear as a man can bear.  Macbeth wishes his wife had died later, at a better time.  He comments on how life passes at this little speed, with people dying after a futile life.  Macbetj says the messenger comes to speak, he should give his report quickly.  The messenger, unsure of how to report what he saw , says Birnham wood appeared to move, thus the prophecy is fulfilled.  Macbeth starts wishing this were just all over and prepares for death fighting.

Act V, Scene 6
    Malcolm and Macduff split off from Siward, and they throw down their boughs, preparing to fight.  Macbeth knows he is stuck fighting, and he wonders who was not born of woman.  Macbeth tells Young Siward who he is, and Macbeth says he should be not just hateful but fearfull to Young Siward's ears.  Macbeth says he doesn't fear any not of woman born and kills Young Siward.  Macduff says he must kill Macbeth to avenge his family, and only Macbeth.  By the noise of Macbeth's armor, he locates him.  Siward explains the battle is easy.  Malcolm enters the castle.

Act V, Scene 7
    Macbeth asks why he should kill himself when the wounds he might inflict upon himself would look better upon his living enemies.  Macbeth says he has avoided Macduff and does not want to kill him after killing his family.  Macduff says he will speak with his sword instead of words.  Macbeth says the Macduff will not hurt him.  Macduff then reveals that he was ripped from his mother's womb while she died.  Macbeth is angry to discover that the prophecy will come true and only provided him false hope.  Macduff tells him to give up and explans he will be put on a pole and displayed as a tyrant.  Macbeth says he will try despite the prophecy rather than yiels to Malcolm.

Act V, Scene 8
    malcolm wishes no one had to die, but Siward says it is necessary and the cost wasn't that high for such a good day.  Ross tells Siward that Young Siward, who just became a man in fighting, died.  He tells him not to have sorrow, though.  Siward says he died well them.  Macduff hails Malcolm as king holding Macbeth's head.


                                               Sleep Walking

     In Shakespeare's Macbeth, her gentlewoman sleepwalking finds Lady Macbeth.  In Medieval times people did not know what sleeping was they thought it had something to do

    Sleep walking is a sleeping disorder characterized by walking or other activity while seemingly still asleep.

    The sleep walking activity may include simply sitting up and appearing awake while actually asleep, getting up and walking around, or complex activities such as moving furniture, going to the bathroom, dressing and undressing, and similar activities. Some people even drive a car while
Actually asleep. The episode can be very brief (a few seconds or minutes) or can last for 30 minutes or longer.

    One common misconception is that a sleepwalker should not be awakened. It is not dangerous to awaken a sleepwalker, although it is common for the person to be confused or disoriented for a short time on awakening. Another misconception is that a person cannot be injured when sleep walking. Actually, injuries caused by such things as tripping and loss of balance are common for sleepwalkers.

    Sleep walking occurs at any age, but it occurs most often in children aged 6 to 12 years old. It may occur in younger children, in adults, or in the elderly, and it appears to run in families.

    In children, the cause is usually unknown but may also be related to fatigue, prior sleep loss, or anxiety. In adults, sleep walking is usually associated with a disorder of the mind but may also be seen with reactions to drugs and/or medications and alcohol, and medical conditions such as partial complex seizures. In the elderly, sleep walking may be a symptom of an organic brain syndrome or REM behavior disorders.

    Symptoms of sleep walking are: eyes open during sleep, may have blank facial expression, may sit up and appear awake during sleep, walking during sleep, other detailed activity during sleep, any sort, no recall of the event upon awaking, confusion, disorientation on awakening, leep talking is incomprehensible and non-purposeful.

    Usually no specific treatment for sleep walking is needed. Safety measures may be necessary to prevent injury. This may include modifying the environment by moving objects such as electrical cords or furniture to reduce tripping and falling. Stairways may need to be blocked off with a gate. In some cases, short-acting tranquilizers have been helpful in reducing the incidence of sleep walking.

    Sleep walking may or may not reduce with age. It usually does not indicate a serious disorder, although it can be a symptom of other disorders.

    What we know now about sleep walking people in medieval times did not know although it can be a symptom of other disorders.