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Project II:  The Allegory of the Cave

1. Who is Plato? Plato is a philosopher and educator of ancient Greece.  He was one of the
    most important thinkers and writers in the history of Western culture.
What are some of his accomplishments? Some of his accomplishments were The Apology,
    Cratylus, Crito, Euthyphro, Gorgias, The Laws, Meno, Parmenides, Phaedo, Phaedrus,
    Protagoras, The Republic, the Sophist, The Symposium, Theaetetus, And Timaeus.
What impact does his philosophy have on the comtempory society?  There are schools that
    use some of Plato's work.  They use his teachings to try to harmonize reason with religion.
Make at least one link to a site where readers can learn about Plato and his philosophy.
    There are many sites about Plato and his philosophy but here are the three best ones
    according to me. If you want to learn more about Plato Click Here. This site shows us a
    picture of how the "Allegory of the cave" looks like.  Another web site that tells us about
    Plato's work and his life click here.

2. In The Allegory of the Cave, Plato seems to discuss about truth, physics, aesthetics, literary
criticism, etc. (a) Do research and find three different interpretations of  Plato's Cave. (b) List
the links of each different interpretation to your web site with brief annotations. (c)After reading ,
discussing, and analyzing the text, describe your interpretation in a 250-word essay. Explain
why you draw such a conclusion.(The first draft will be collectd and read by me before you
publish your final draft on the web)

    The story "The Allegory of the Cave"  is told to explain or teach something, this is especially
a loong and complicated story with an underlying meaning different from the surface meaning of
the story itself that is the allegory of the story.  This story has 5 stages, which has many different
meanings.  The meaning itself all means the same even though it has different concepts.
    The first stage of the story has a prisoner trapped in a dark cave.  This step is the beginning of
a epic journey of the learning process.  This stage is very similar to a person who is unemployed
and no money.  The individual will be stranded somewhere without anything to do and can't
explore the world.
    The second stage is going to the light, which is just like when an individual is getting a job.  The
individual is entering the world fo success.  Which is similar when the prisoner is going toward the
light.  It is like giving an individual a second look toward life.
    The third and fourth stage is the feeling of pain and getting ue to it.  I think that it is like when a
person goes to work for the first time.  When the individual feels pain when the individual is
working because he isn't use to moving his hand.  But after time he is starting to get use to it because
he is getting paid.  He can do stuff that he couldn't do before without any money.  Which kept the
individual from exploring the world outside his home.  This is just like when the prisoner can just see
shadows before he was in the cave but when he left the cave he is seeing everything in a whole new
    The Final stage is when the individual got use to the light and doesn't want to go back.  I think that
this is a same situation for the the individual who has seen the truth outside of his home which would
want to go back and do the same thing.  He finnally sees the truth of what money can buy.
    These stages make a process of success, which can make an individual change its whole perspective
in life.

3. Explain how this allegory  has changed your way of thinking?(from your reading log?)  This allegory
    changed my thinking by having a new knowledge of a story.  By knowing that there are more than
    one meaning of any story.

4. If there was one thing you have learned from the "Cave" and would like to apply it to your life,
what would it be and why?  I think that it would have to be seeing things more than one dimension
    because if you don't see things in more than one dimenson it would not be very clear.

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