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Alan Lam
Period 4
Ms. Wu


        Macbeth and his wife feel compelled to protect the station promised them by the witches, and to thwart the heirs of Banquo and any other possible heirs. With Lady Macbeth as his accomplice, Macbeth murders King Duncan and is elected king of Scotland. Duncan's son Malcolm flees to England. Suddenly suspicious of Banquo, Macbeth has him assassinated, but fails to kill Banquo's son Fleance. Another high-ranking soldier, Macduff, who does not trust Macbeth, goes to England to join Malcolm, and Macbeth takes the opportunity to murder Macduff's wife and heirs. Macduff returns as a member of Malcolm's avenging army and kills Macbeth, and Malcolm is then made king.

Below are scene by scene analysis

Scene I
Scene II
Scene III
Scene IV
Scene V