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Welcome to Karina Munguia`s 
                 Homepage Tech Prep`99

Hello my name is Karina Munguia.  I am a senior at Murry Bergtraum High School.  My mother is from the Dominican Republic and my father is from Mexico I guess that makes me DominiMex. I don't have any brothers or sisters.  I m trying to concentrate greatly on college and my future career.   I am very interested in helping people especially children, I am also interested in perhaps owning a business someday, or perhaps getting into some sort of design career be it designing rooms to houses. I hope to find a career that houses some of these these ideas at once.
                                                                                                                                                         -Sept 99- 

I have come up with a good idea I will become an architect and stabilize myself then I will build homes for orphans and at the same time own Hotels.  So I will help others and myself.
                                                                                                                                                            -April 00- 


Table of contents

                       Project 1: Macbeth

                      Project 2: Writing About NY II

                       Project 3: The Jungle

                        Project 4: Career Portofolio