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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
March 3, 2000


•Imagine you were the director , how would you use the modern equipment available to create effectively the mood of the scene?

If I was the director and had the necessary equipment to create effectively the mood of the scene I would most likely do the scenes with the witches because the witches scene have many effects that would really get the readers attention such as that of the scenes where they are chanting their curses and because of that it will make the mood of the scene more realistic. Besides that the witches prophecies are the main reason why Macbeth does what he did and the events that are further into the play. So this is how I would use the modern equipment available to create an effectively made the mood of the scene.


Motivational Activity:

Think of a situation where a husband has to keep a secret what he does and when he leaves, he can not tell his family where he will be and he promises he is not doing anything wrong to his family.

A situation I think where a husband has to keep a secret of what he does and of when he leaves and why he can not tell where he will be but promises that he is not doing anything wrong to his family is when the husband is planning something. Meaning that the husband is planning something of a surprise where the only person who knows is the husband. That the husband is planning to surprise his wife with a party or a surprise just to show the wife that he still loves and cares about her. That would be one of those secrets where a husband has to keep his secret a secret and not tell anyone about it.

Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
March 10, 2000

1. When did Macduff first show lack of support for Macbeth? What has he done since to provoke Macbeth further?
Macduff first showed lack of support for Macbeth when Macbeth took over his castle and did not care if his family lives or dies, it was a matter of who was the strongest and bravest and who could survive and become powerful. Macduff has provoked macbeth further by hinting that he knows about him and saying that he nothing but a traitor and evil toward the country and showing no control over the country.

2. How has Macbeth resolved to take actions against him?
Macbeth resolved to take actons against him by taking over macduff's castle not caring whether he was there or not and would fight and take over the castle if he had to. Even if he might have to kill Macduff's family to do it or anybody else's family as well. Not caring who was in the castle just as long as he is able to have power and control over Macduff.

3. Why is Ross present at Macduff's castle? How does his appearance here show a weakening of Macbeth's position?
Ross is present at Macduff's castle to talk to Lady Macduff about her husband Macduff and of how he is a traitor. His appearance at the castle shows that Ross will also eventually turn against Macbeth and become an enemy and traitor to Macbeth. His appearance shows that Macbeth does not have the power he so thinks that he does have.


Imagine yourself to be Lady Macduff. Write a monologue that expresses your feelings towards your husband and your worries about your family.

Lady Macduff : I am so worried about my husband Macduff when will he come back home or will he ever come back home. I wonder why he left so suddenly leaaving his wife and his children so alone in this time of need. A need where we need him the most in our live and why does he not send for a messenger and tell us what is going on. I am worried, so worried , worried..... Oh why husband of mine why you must keep this a secret from me. I wonder.... does he not love us anymore....does he not love me as he once did...does he not love the children I beared and raised for him out of his love for me..... Oh I am worried... Does he know how much?

What evidence of opposition to Macbeth have been developing at home and abroad? Why? Had Macbeth taken the council of Lady Macbeth at every move after the initial murder of Duncan, would this opposition have developed? Describe such possibilities and the speculation.

The evidence of opposition to Macbeth have been developing at home and abroad is that he is more powerful everywhere he goes. Because everyone believes that he has done something wrong and some how gained control of the kingdom. Well if you think about it if Macbeth had been the one to plan out the murder of Duncan then everything would turn out differntly. Macbeth would then be the more bravest one that Lady Macbeth and the outcome of the situation would be that they would have reversed roles being that Lady Macbeth would act like Macbeth and Macbeth would have the characteristic of Lady Macbeth.