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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
Febraury 4, 2000

Make a double entry journal and respond to....
M:"If you cleave to my consent, when 'tis/ It shall make honor for you." I believe it means that if Macbeth obey's what she is saying and to do what she wants him to do , she will be grateful and the reward of it will be pleasant and joyful.
B:" So I lose none/In seeking to argument it, but still keep/ My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,/ I shall be counseled." I believe this quote is saying that though he may not agree, she loses nothing and does not want an argument. But still she is just giving advice to you and it is just that, an advice.

In your journal, respond to Macbeth last line of the scene,To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself.

    In the last scene I believe that Macbeth is saying that to actually realize that he murdered Duncan, it is best if he is not him, but someone else. That he can not be Macbeth because Macbeth would not murder anybody. So I believe that Macbeth is saying that he was in shock, when he did the deed and was not himself, so therefore it was better that he not know himself better.

Now make a chart to compare and contrast their reactions.
Macbeth's Reactions
Lady Macbeth's Reactions
I actually  did the deed! He actually did the deed!
I don't believe I actually murdered Duncun! He is a man!
Duncan my own cousin, I killed him! He is now King and I am...Queen! 
I murdered Duncan! I am now QUEEN!!
I am now KING! QUEEN!!

Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
February 28, 2000

Journal Writing:

Write a journal entry commenting on "Violence leads to more violence."

    I believe that violence in a way leads to more violence depending on the kind of person you are inside.
I mean that things can seem to be more out of hand than normal but it can be corrected. If someone
starts a fight, for example and the person is a violent sort of person then eventually that problem will
lead to more violence then necessary.  Let's say for another example a person who did not start the
violence and even if that person did, and the person is not a violent sort of person then the violence will
mostly likely not get into alot of violence to come. Because the person was not a vilent person and tries
to solve problems differently knowing that violence leading to more violence does not get anyboody
anywhere in life. So I believe that the quote means that the  only way for violence to lead to more
violence is if the person is a violent person and likes to get into fights. So it would all depend on the
character of a person. 

How does the relationship between Macbeth and his wife change after the death of Duncan?Explain your
answer with examples from Act Three. (Consider in terms of  Macbeth's refusal to receal his plans
regarding Banquo; his "fit" at the banquet and her reaction; their feelings about Duncan's murder and
its effect).

I believe that the relationship has not changed that musch because Macbeth's wife is still controling
Macbeth even though Macbeth had also changed a little bit by being more true to his words by actually
doing the deed of what he is saying he was going to do when the time has come for hime to do the deed. So
in a way I believe that Macbeth has changed but Lady Macbeth has not so quite changed as much though
she does live in constant fear that someone will find out about her and Macbeth killing Duncan. Though
Lady Macbeth cherishes in being the Queen she is living in fear as well as that of Macbeth. 


Why did Macbeth have fears in Banquo?

Macbeth had fears in Banquo because Macbeth knows that Banquo is a smart man and figures that
somehow he has figured out  that it was him that killed Duncan in order for him to become Kings that was
perdicted by the three witches. I believe that the only reason Macbeth fears in Banquo is because
Banquo mentioned to him about Banquo visiting the three witches and told Banquo that his sons will
become King. That prophecy scared Macbeth into thinking that why not his sons will become King when he
will one day have a son and that scared him to thingk that him killing Duncan was all for nothing and that
made him fear Banquo and hire two murderers to kill Banquo. 


Write a letter to Scotland Gazette commenting on the current situation in the State of Scotland.

Dear Scotland Gazette:

    I am writing to you to comment on the current situation that is happening in the State of Scotland. I
have many concerns that are involved in this case. I believe that in this certain situation is that it is in
terrible shape, things are way out of control. With our King that has recently been murdered to death
by the accused which is of his own sons and then of the death of Banquo who was also accused of murder
by his own son Fleance. I am overly shocked by this news. If this keeps happening who will be next, will
it be you or I or anybody else be the next murder of our own sons!! When will this end! You must find
out who is murdering our honored and beloved Kings. I just cannot believe that this has happened so far
beyond our control. When will the murderer see that this will not get them anywhere. I believe that
their owns sons will not kill their own father because their sons were known to respect and honor their
fathers and they were rewarded greatly. But it you see it in my point of view, the sons did not gain
anything in return for their murder except as a wanted person. Realize, think and analyze that they did
not gain anything in return for their murder, but on who has gained alot by the Kings murder,  then find
the true murderer and caputure to end this madness.