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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
January 3, 2000

Scene 1 Act 1

Aim: How does Shakespeare develop the setting, themes and supernatural mood in I, i of Macbeth?

Shakespeare develops his setting, themes and supernatural mood in I, i of Macbeth by trying to picture the way they would be of the event in the eyes of the beholder as well as the character in the play. He developes it by picturing how the reader will see it and if it will collide with the way he would see it. From that he will then be able to develop his setting, themes, and the mood that it produces.

•Setting- time and place •Mood- •Theme- •What words in scene i indicate the mood of the play? •which line reveals the theme?

The words in scene one that indicates the mood of the play is when the First witch quotes " When shall we meet again, In thunder, lightning, or in rain?"Also in the beginning it is quoted in saying that there are thunder and lightning before the scene. The line that reveals the theme is the last line in which all the witches are chanting together saying "FAIR IS FOUL, AND FOUL IS FAIR."

Scene Two

Journal Writing: What's your understanding of reputation and character?

My understanding of reputation and character is that it is both sided because a person can have a good character or a bad character and they make their own reputation of being that. However, a reputation can also make the person with that character because if a reputation is made for that person, that person can feel as if they have no other choice but be that character that the reputation has caused.

Scene Three

How does character influence one's reaction to a promise of power?

Character can influence one's reaction to a promise of power because depending on the character the person has, they can either be good or bad. However, if the person has a character that is strong enough, meaning that if his or her character wants to have power on something very badly enough they are willing to do anything possible to get it. For example, Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to become King. Knowing that Macbeth wants to become King, and she the Queen she is willing to kill Duncan herself in order to get the title of King for Macbeth.

Journal Writing

A movie that I saw that was based on a book was Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I have seem many versions of the play that Shakespeare wrote and is it quite a surprise when I see the difference that each movie presents on the play. In some of the movies they may have skipped the important parts of the play but every movie has put in the most important and very well known scene which is the balconey scene with Romeo and Juliet.

Based on your reading, write about your understanding of the play so far.

So far in the play Macbeth, I understand that though Macbeth has his dreams and wishes he is always afraid to go after it and the consquences that come with it. Though with the influence of Lady Macbeth, Macbeth has been, sort of, encouraged to do the deed that must be done for him to succeed and make the prophecies from the witches to come true. So I believe that Lady Macbeth has a great influence on Macbeth when certain matters come at hand.

My first impression on Macbeth and Banquo.

My first impression of Macbeth and Banquo is that Macbeth is not a believer of prophecies and Banquo is a person who does not truly believe it but has just a little hope that it will com true. My impression of Banquo is that Banquo is a strong man of his beliefs as well as a smart who knows when enough is enough. Macbeth on the other hand is someone who is not so sure of themselves much of the time and usually does not believe half of the things that are so real to him. Though Macbeth is a strong man and have a strong mind you sense that there is something in him that is not as confident as he seems from the outside.