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The Jungle
By Upton Sinclair

    In my portfolio I have choosen the works that I feel reflects my best work in the Jungle. The five pieces of work are my dialogue between Jurgis and his wife Ona before she died while trying to give birth to her second child, a movie review on Norma Rae, an original research on Meat Inspection, a literature log on chapters 17 through 22, and a letter from someone in the United States assessing the situation. The first work will be the dialogue between Jurgis and Ona which never insisted in the novel but I would have liked it to have happened before Ona dies. The reason I chose to put this scene in was because I felt that all the time Jurgis was in jail he never had a chance to speak or look at his wife before she died and she never did find out how Jurgis was, so I feel that this might have made an impact on Jurgis if he spoke to his wife before she died.
    The second work will be my movie review on the Norma Rae story. I feel that if people want to find out about Unions then they definitely should watch this movie. The movie Norma Rae is about a woman who is fighting to get a Union into her job to help out her family and along the way she loses her father and finds out that she has made alot of sacrifices to get the Union. The third work will be on my research on Meat Inspection. During this research I have found a good website that will help with the understanding of meat inspection and how to protect yourself from getting harmed from the foods and that website is so feel free to look into this website. My next work will be my literature logs on chapters 17 through 22. In my literature logs you will be reading my opinion on certain matters pertaining to that chapter, in which I hope you will enjoy reading. My last work will be on a letter from someone in the United States assessing the situation in which if they should send the family back to the old country.
    To look into five works, please click on Jungle Porfolio and you will then be able to see my works. I truly hope you will enjoy reading my works.

                          1. Pre-reading Activities
                          2. Jungle Exam
                          3. Jungle Portfolio
                                4. Group Presentation
                          5. Group Project
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