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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu

Part Two
Interview One

Name: Lily Simpson
Age: 75

1. What kind of job do you have?
I worked as an nurse. I am retired now, of course. (Ha, Ha, Ha, she laughs)
2. Do you believe that money is the only reason you go after a career? Because of the high pay you will receive?
Back then, money were not as high as today, but to answer your question, if if was me today, the answer would be no. Money is to live on and to survive, but it would not make you happy on the job.   [ Meaning ?] Meaning that if you are not happy with your job and are just working for the money then why make yourself unhappy and depressed, dreading to go to work everyday but you have to. For the money!
3. How do you think the working environment should be for workers?
No doubt about that. The environment for the workers should be well-kept, good co-workers, and a feeling of family. Everyone getting along. Of course once in awhile families do get into arguments.
4. How important do you believe that an employer and an employee relationship be?
Very important because if you can not get along with your employer then you might as well start finding another job. [Why do you say that?] Well because a good relationsip between any two people should have communication between them. So if they do not get along then what is the use of them working together they will just talk over each other heads.
5. Do you believe a person moral will affect the type of work they do?
Yes in my days it would. For good reason too. If your morals are different from your job, people start to believe that their morals are the same as their job.
6. How do you feel if a person who spends most of their life doing one thing as a career and then is miserable about it? If it were you what would you do?
The person should get out of that job immediately and start finding something else. Some sort of challenge. If it was me, I would examine myself to find out when and how this happened then start from the beginning again. Find a new career. One that would not make me miserable again. ( Ha, Ha, Ha, she laughs) Of course!
7. What was your dream job when you were a child?
Dream job as a child? Well there is no thought to that answer. I wanted to be like my mom, a housewife. Taking care of my children and husband.
8. Did you achieve that dream job or it changed during times?
Oh it defintely changed! During the changing of time of course. I later wanted to be a nurse and I did achieve that.
9. Is your workplace a diverse place of culture and religion?
Not as diverse as taday, but somewhat.
10. If yes, has there been tension against a certain culture? If no, then do you believe it is healthy to have only one culture working at one place and then suddenly having someone of different culture come to work? How would you feel?
Certain times there were tension, but between patients and the staff. Certain patients wanted someone of their race and would often protest against that doctor or nurse who were not of their race or culture.
11. What would you do when you suddenly realize that the career you have always wanted was not the career you always dreamt it would be? And how would you go about getting it, starting from the beginning?
Hmm… I would be miserable of course. I would then start again and find another job.
12. Have you ever been harassed because of your religion or where you came from at work?
No I was not harassed because they knew better than to provoke me. Ha Ha Ha. Seriously though in the beginning they usually ask what my background was and I answered that I was half Polish and half American in other words white.
13. Have you ever been limited to one skill that you can only do and suddenly                  were fired because you were unable to do the other skills that are then    required of you to do? If yes, did you do anything about it?
14. Do you believe that people are limited to just one skill in their life? Why?
No because they can always try other things and make them their skills
15. How would you describe your work environment and the people working there?
We were like a family helping one another out.
16. Do you all get along with each other, despite the fact that you all have different backgrounds and different views on religion as well as their culture?
Of course, though we had a couple or problems at first [Really?] Yeah, but not with each other, some of the patients. Though we did occassionally fought.
17. Do you believe that later on in the future, people will be able to live and work in the same environment and not have as much conflict over different cultures, backgrounds, religion, color and race as they do now?
Yes, I believe we can achieve that by teaching our children that different is good, not bad.
[ Very good words Mrs. Simpson. Thank you for taking your time and answering these questions for me. I really appreciated and truly enjoyed your company. Thank you again.] Your welcome. Anytime of coourse.