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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
January 21, 2000

Write a short essay analyzing the causes that lead Macbeth to the agreement of murdering Duncan.


    In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare many causes lead Macbeth to murder Duncan. Some of these causes are the influence of his wife Lady Macbeth and his hidden desire to become King. One of the main reasons I believe that lead Macbeth into actually killing Duncan was when Duncan crowned Malcolm the next heir to the throne.
    Macbeth was traveling back to their campsite when he and Banquo came upon the three witches. The witches then told them of Macbeth's prophecies of becoming Thane of Cawdor and then becoming King. Of course Macbeth was very skeptical of the witches and did not fully believe the witches. Banquo on the other hand was very interested in the witches prophecies. What happened next were unbelieveable to Macbeth. Macbeth was crowned Thane of Cawdor and the proof of that was the gold chain that was handed over to him. Having that happened made Macbeth believe that the witches might be right about him becoming King and Macbeth's hope of becoming King was about to come true in his mind.
    When they returned back to King Duncan to report the events that happened Macbeth's hope of becoming was shattered by Duncan crowning Malcolm the next of kin. Macbeth's thoughts waas of how did Malcolm become next of King when he (Macbeth) waas the one that fought for them. That was the one major event I believe was the cause of him murdering Duncan. Besides that cause the other cause was of Lady Macbeth's influence that led him to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth knew that becoming King to Macbeth was as important as it was to her and knew the only way to make him actually do the deed was to make him realize how good of a King he would be. Macbeth wanted to back out of the last minute and not kill Duncan, but Lady Macbeth was there to intervene and called Macbeth a coward and not a man to do the deed. Wanting to prove that he was indeed a man and not a coward, he murdered Duncan.

Analyze the immediate result of the murder of Duncan

    The immediate result of the murder of Duncan on Macbeth was the now Macbeth would have to live in constant fear. Macbeth was frightened after he killed Duncan and was seemed to be in a daze not believing that he has actually killed Duncan. Coming back to the sleeping chamber where Lady Macbeth was waiting for him, Macbeth came back with blood on his hands and claiming to have heard voices. Lady Macbeth tells him to hurry since they both want to get rid of the evidence which is the blood on Macbeth's hands and the dagger. Wanting to be sypathetic toward Macbeth of his guilt in murduring Duncan, Lady Macbeth tells him that the blood is on her hands too. After they put the knife in the servants quarters they hurry back because there is a knocking on their door. They both planned to blame it on the servants. Having found Duncan dead Duncan's sons leave town, fearing that the murdere will come after them next. With them leaving Macbeth becomes King and the people suspect that it is the servants but somehow Duncan's sons are involved since they immediately left after they found the dead body of their father.
    Macbeth has been living in fear and guilt but yet is enjoying being the King. Macbeth later starts to feel threatened by Banquo because he senses that Banquo know to much. One day he has his proof. Banquo tells Macbeth that he went to see the witches and that they predict Banquo's sons will become King. Macbeth sensing that he has done too much to be ridden of the royal crown he sends for two murders to kill Duncan and his son Fleance. Knowing that you can sense that Macbeth is now living in constant fear that someone will find out about the murder.