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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu

" How is it like to do college search in the Internet? "

        The time has come again , for all seniors in high school to start searching and narrowing down colleges of their choice. There are many ways for a college search , by going to the library or asking friends, teachers or counselors.With our modern technology , however it has made it possible for us to seach in our computers through the internet.
    In my college search , through the use of the internet, at first was sort of difficult. It was difficult for me because I'm not an expert on computers, though I did know what I was doing. In a sense it was difficult because we were to look for college essays, but somehow we ( at first ) were not able to locate it on the internet. The following day we were able to find the essays with the help of our teacher and classmates.
    My college search on the internet was in a way helpful, but it was hard because you had to be exact in describing what you are searching for in the computer. While if you do it by yourself, by going to the library , I  guess it would have been alot of help because you already know what you are looking for. I guess you can say that my search was successful, in finding my college essay.
     Though it was sucessful, it did have some hard spots to get it, such as trying to access it, to find colleges and their essays, and to find the college you want to go to and their essays. I did not find the colleges of  my choice and their essays, but I did, however find an essay that I was very interested in writing about.
    So, in conclusion, my college search in the internet was a sucess and helpful. Though, at the beginning I had some rough spots. I still got through and found my essay. So, looking for colleges in the internet is another resouceful way to get more information on the college of your choice. I recommend that you try it out.