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Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
March 14, 2000

Act 5 of Macbeth

1. perturbation-   1 : the action of perturbing : the state of being perturbed 2 : a disturbance of motion,
course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium; especially  a disturbance of the regular and usually
elliptical course of motion of a celestial body that is produced by some force additional to that which
causes its regular motion
2. slumbery- archaic
3. murky- 1 : characterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by
overhanging fog or smoke 2 : characterized by thickness and heaviness of air 3 : darkly vague or
4. mortify- 1 obsolete : to destroy the strength, vitality, or functioning of 2 : to subdue or deaden (as
the body or bodily appetites) especially by abstinence or self-inflicted pain or discomfort 3 : to
subject to severe and vexing embarrassment : SHAME intransitive senses 1 : to practice mortification 2
: to become necrotic or gangrenous
5. upbraid- 1 : to criticize severely : find fault with 2 : to reproach severely : scold vehemently
6. breach- 1 : infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard 2 a : a broken, ruptured, or
torn condition or area b : a gap (as in a wall) made by battering3 a : a break in accustomed friendly
relations b : a temporary gap in continuity
7. purge- 1 : something that purges; especially : PURGATIVE 2 a : an act or instance of purging b : the
removal of elements or members regarded as undesirable and especially as treacherous or disloyal
8. epicure- 1 archaic : one devoted to sensual pleasure : SYBARITE 2 : one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine
9. whey- the watery part of milk that is separated from the coagulable part or curd especially in the process of making cheese and that is rich in lactose, minerals, and vitamins and contains lactalbumin and traces of fat
10.  perilous- full of or involving peril
11.  pristine- 1 : belonging to the earliest period or state : ORIGINAL <the hypothetical pristine lunar atmosphere> 2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : PURE <a pristine forest> b : fresh and clean as or as if new <pristine hard-backs in uniform editions to fill our built-in bookcases -- Michiko Kakutani>
12.  purgative- purging or tending to purge
13.  rhubarb- 1 : any of a genus (Rheum) of Asian plants of the buckwheat family having large leaves with thick succulent petioles often used as food 2 : the dried rhizome and roots of any of several rhubarbs grown in China and Tibet and used as a purgative and stomachic3 : a heated dispute or controversy
14.  constrain- 1 a : to force by imposed stricture, restriction, or limitation b : to restrict the motion of (a mechanical body) to a particular mode 2 : COMPRESS; also : to clasp tightly 3 : to secure by or as if by bonds : CONFINE; broadly : LIMIT 4 : to force or produce in an unnatural or strained manner <a constrained smile> 5 : to hold back by or as if by force <constraining my mind not to wander from the task
15.  speculative- 1 : involving, based on, or constituting intellectual speculation; also : theoretical rather than demonstrable <speculative knowledge> 2 : marked by questioning curiosity <gave him a speculative glance> 3 : of, relating to, or being a financial speculation <speculative stocks> <speculative venture>
16.  arbitrate- 1 archaic : DECIDE, DETERMINE2 : to act as arbiter upon
3 : to submit or refer for decision to an arbiter <agreed to arbitrate their differences>intransitive senses : to act as arbitrator
17.  siege- 1 obsolete : a seat of distinction : THRONE 2 a : a military blockade of a city or fortified place to compel it to surrender b : a persistent or serious attack (as of illness) - siege transitive verb - lay siege to 1 : to besiege militarily 2 : to pursue diligently or persistently
18.  dismal- 1 obsolete : DISASTROUS, DREADFUL 2 : showing or causing gloom or depression 3 : lacking merit : particularly bad
19.  cling- 1 a : to hold together b : to adhere as if glued firmly c : to hold or hold on tightly or tenaciously 2 a : to have a strong emotional attachment or dependence b : to remain or linger as if resisting complete dissipation or dispersal <the odor clung to the room for hours>
20.  tarry- 1 a : to delay or be tardy in acting or doing b : to linger in expectation :
21.  equivocation- 1 : to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive 2 : to avoid committing oneself in what one says
22.  avouch- 1 : to declare as a matter of fact or as a thing that can be proved : AFFIRM 2 : to vouch for : CORROBORATE 3 a : to acknowledge (as an act) as one's own b : CONFESS, AVOW
23.  harbinger- 1 archaic : a person sent ahead to provide lodgings 2 a : one that pioneers in or initiates a major change : PRECURSOR b : one that presages or foreshadows what is to come
24.  stake- 1 : a pointed piece of wood or other material driven or to be driven into the ground as a marker or support 2 a : a post to which a person is bound for execution by burning b : execution by burning at a stake 3 a : something that is staked for gain or loss b : the prize in a contest c : an interest or share in an undertaking (as a commercial venture) 4 : a Mormon territorial jurisdiction comprising a group of wards 5 : an upright stick at the side or end of a vehicle to retain the load 6 : GRUBSTAKE - at stake : at issue : in jeopardy
25.  abhorred- to regard with extreme repugnance
26.  brandish-1: to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly 2: to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner
27.  Intrechant- one that intrigues
28.  Sheath- 1: a case for a blade (as of a knife)
2: an investing cover or case of a plant or animal body or body part: as a: the tubular fold of skin into which the penis of many mammals is retracted b (1): the lower part of a leaf (as of a grass) when surrounding the stem (2): an unsheathing spathe 3: any of various covering or supporting structures that are applied like or resemble in appearance or function the sheath of a blade: as a: SHEATHING 2 b: a woman's close-fitting dress usually worn without a belt c British:
29.  Fiend- 1 a: DEVIL 1 b: DEMON c: a person of great wickedness or maliciousness 2: a person extremely devoted to a pursuit or study: FANATIC <a golf fiend> 3: ADDICT 1 <a dope fiend> 4: WIZARD 3 <a fiend at mathematics>
30.  Prowess- 1: distinguished bravery; especially: military valor and skill
2: extraordinary ability <his prowess on the football field>
31.  usurper- 1 a: to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right <usurp a throne> b: to take or make use of without right <usurped the rights to her life story> 2: to take the place of by or as if by force: SUPPLANT <must not let stock responses based on inherited prejudice usurp careful judgment> intransitive senses: to seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully


Ling Ling Wu
Ms. Wu
March 17, 2000

Read the web site on medieval warfare and read about the subject. Write 250-word report telling your readers what you know about the subject.
    Medieval warefare was when the men in armor all start fighting to show there strength to the world that they are strong and powerful. During the time in the nineteenth and twentieth century may knights as we called them wore amor and metal all over to protect them from very heavy or harmful injuries caused bybattles they mostly fought with. Medival Warefare was mainly when knights would battle for the good.
    From my research that I have found on the website that you have suggested I have found out that there are many interpertations on the medieval warefare. Many did believe that only knights with amor and metal would mostly fight in this battle ( as I had believed it to be and so must have you believed). Which was false being that back then people were able to build there only metal and wear it as armor.
People who also owned armor or metal were able to go into battle though it would have been difficult considering that they were merely farmers or some other occupation