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Sexual Harrassment

            Sexual harassment has become a growing issue in the workplace for the past years.  Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance or conduct on the job that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

            Sexual harassment can be physical, verbal, or nonverbal.  Unwanted touching of a person's clothing, hair, or body.  Patting, stroking, pinching, grabbing, massaging neck or shoulders, standing close, or brushing up against a person are also examples of physical harassment.  Others include looking a person up and down, giving personal gifts, winking, throwing kisses, or licking lips, making sexual gestures with hands or through body movements, and prolonged staring at someone.

            As explained, sexual harassment include many acts which we would never have thought to be legally wrong.  I believe that sexual harassment is illegal and has been increasing.  Both men and women are harassed.

            Some say that provocative dressing and language contribute to the reasons why someone is harasses.  I agree to an extent because of course provocative clothes bring attention but it is not an invitation for someone to sexually harass you.  Men should learn self control and learn to keep nasty, inappropriate comments, and gestures to themselves.

             The most extreme form of sexual harassment is rape.  Sexual harassment is illegal and unacceptable.  If you have doubts or feel uncomfortable of someone, follow your instincts and walk away from the situation and notify someone immediately.