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             Poor working conditions existed for industrial workers before workers' compensation and OSHA improved such conditions.  "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair illustrates the poor working conditions during the early 1900's.  In this classic work, Sinclair depicts life in Chicago in the early 1900's with the horrors experienced in the slaughterhouse.

             In "The Jungle", barbarous working conditions, poverty, and disease are illustrated from the eyes of Jurgis Rudkus, a young immigrant who came to America to build a home for himself and his family.  In the 1890's and early 1900's, America was experiencing a social revolution.  Strikes, riots and the founding of labor unions and new political parties were frequent occurrences across the nation.  The intended purpose of the book was to change the meat industry by sickening Americans with images of diseased and filthy meat.

            Sinclair's purpose in his literary works was to educate the public about the dangers of an economic and social system that destroyed millions of lives every year through disease, poverty, and mental torture.  He exposed the great lie  of the American dream, of freedom and opportunity for all.  Throughout the story, Sinclair depicts the mental lives of the workers vividly enough that readers in all jobs and social classes can identify their inner tortures.

            In the early 1900's, hazardous working conditions existed.  Workers were exploited, were paid a measly wage, and worked long hours.  There were no child labor laws, making children work in dangerous conditions in sweatshops for long hours.  Today federal law provides minimum wages and maximum hours for all employees considered to be under federal jurisdiction.

            Today, employers have the duty to provide safe working conditions to their employees.  The working conditions must not be harmful to the employee's health, safety, morals, or reputation.  If the employer does not provide safe working conditions, the employee may quit without breaching the contract.  Such laws did not exist in the early 1900's.  Working conditions were hazardous, dirty, unsanitary, poverty filled, full of diseases, and many more unthinkable situations.  Employees were treated unfairly.  Since most of the human labor came from immigrants, the employer took advantage of them.  Immigrants most likely are illiterate and are naive to the world as they come to America to fulfill their dream of success.  Little do they know the falseness in the hopes and dreams as they are crushed by miserable employment.

            Another duty of the employer to the employee is compensation.  Back then, work was done for very little pay as the immigrants were unable to understand the terms in their contracts.  Minimum wage was established to prevent work violations.

            Until recently, employee injuries were not paid for by the employer.  Now worker’s compensation statutes create an insurance program for injury to employees.  If an employee is covered by worker’s compensation insurance and is injured in the course of employment, the benefits will be paid.

            A second approach for providing workplace safety standards in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  OSHA inspects workplaces and when it finds violations of its regulations, it can impose fines and even shut down plants.  Previously, such an organization did not exist.  The workplace was unsanitary and full of hazards.

            Upton Sinclair hit the feelings of large numbers of readers when his book appeared.  Presented were images of poisoned rats and tubercular animals ground into sausages.  In conclusion, “The Jungle” is an excellent literary work which depicts the disastrous working conditions during the early 1900’s in America.  Fortunately, things have hanged as the government has intervened.  Laws have been passed to control such working conditions, hours and pay for employees, and worker’s compensation for the injured employee.  America is known as the land of opportunity.  Sweatshops are now illegal.  But are there some throughout the nation?  Of course.  With some government involvement the chances of success in the labor force has increased in opportunity for all types of people.